
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Work Progressing on Tamashii Red

It looks like there's finally some significant progress being made on the much-awaited Tamashii Red ramen restaurant on Austin St. 


  1. For a hopeful moment, I thought this was news about that horrible hole in that ground next to the nail salon (near Bareburger). Any info on getting rid of that eyesore?

  2. On a related note, i Ramen Teriyaki closed after operating for only 6 months, and will supposedly re-emerge as a hand-pulled noodle shop.

    1. Here's a flashback of when I Ramen Teriyaki was new kid on the block. Regretfully, the owner probably thought adding Ramen to their other existing culinary businesses was going to be a lot easier. Agree FH locals now have much more demanding taste so can't get away with cheap ingredients and sloppy preparation anymore.

  3. I Ramen Teriyaki was crap and the service was terrible.

    I have a lot of respect for the owner of Violett's when he took customer feedback refocused from mediocre baked goods to sandwiches (I was one of his earlier customers and there were a lot of people giving him suggestions bahn-mis).

    1. I refrain from being very critical of local businesses, like new restaurants, in the hopes that they will improve. Now that this one has closed, I can say that I totally agree with you. I tried their ramen -- if you can call whatever it is that was -- once and never went back -- absolutely awful.

      Such a thing never fails to amaze me. I try to imagine the thinking that goes on in the mind of a person who is going to invest so much money in a restaurant, only to serve crap. I guess in a neighborhood like Forest Hills that has changed rapidly over the past several years that could have once worked (when I first moved here over a decade ago, so many of the restaurants were just awful). But it won't work here anymore, not when there are so many places to get awesome food.

    2. They now added pho to their menu which is great. However serving hot steaming pho in thin plastic bowls is a huge turn off. Feel pressured to finish the hot soup before the plastic bowl melts. I asked the owner if he could serve the pho is a real bowl (non-plastic) but he said he doesn't have a dish washer! So maybe it's time to get a dish washer then?...

  4. I'm actually glad they closed- I have never seen such worse reviews on Google or Yelp for a new business in such a short time. I don't get how they will come back as a noodle place given that one of the biggest complaints was the ramen noodles tasting like the 99¢ instant kind.

  5. I'm am certain Tamashii Red will be a wonderful welcomed addition having eaten in their other establishments. My only regret is that the lines at night will be substantial .Their Astoria prices are reasonable not sure if it will be the same here in FH were the overhead is higher. They rely on volume hence I noticed on busy nights in Astoria they make sure the tables move (Read no extra time for idle chit chat).

  6. Any updates on when they might be opening?

  7. Just heard Tamashii Red is opening today! I am so excited, can't wait to try them out, and if they are similar to their Astoria local they will certainly be a hit.
