
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Motor Home Fire in Forest Hills

This was the scene this afternoon around 5 p.m. when a motor home parked in front of a house on Groton Street, between 69th and 70th Avenues, apparently exploded. I am told the elderly owner of the house it was parked in front of lived inside of it and he is unaccounted for.

6p.m. Update: The owner of the motor home has been accounted for and is okay. 

3/19 Update: I received a call today from a neighbor who claims the motor home did not explode. I've changed the headline on this story to say it was a fire. The person who originally reported this to me said a nearby store owner told him she heard an explosion, which is why we reported it that way.  


  1. The owner is a hoarder and the motor home was used for "storage" (i.e., packed with crap). It's been there for many years and he never lived in it.

  2. Thank you for the update! I was worried!

  3. Owner didn't live inside the motor home. He used it for storage.

  4. I would often see the owner enjoying a quiet morning cup of joe within the confines of this motor home while walking to work. As his house seems to be completely fenced in, I always thought that he must live in it. Glad to hear of this happy outcome.

  5. Good riddance to the motor home. It didn't belong parked indefinitely on a residential street.

    PS - the tag on this post misspells Groton Street.

  6. Our Forest Hills streets are no place for a Hoarder's Den. This motor home should have been towed and impounded months ago.

    1. months? years ago! there is another hoarder who packs up a huge station wagon on loubet street. i haven't seen it in some time not sure if they died or moved but it's disgusting. seven figure homes, 15k+ taxes and garbage on the streets.

  7. Looking on Google maps, it's the only house on the block that is overgrown and not easy to see from the street.

  8. Eyesore or not, can't we just be glad that no one was hurt?

  9. I don't usually walk through those streets, do they not have alternate side parking rules? How did they get away with this so long? Did they keep moving the thing once a week?

  10. Very common to see motorhomes in CA..

  11. The owner would move the Motor Home once a week. I had looked at a house on that block 16 years ago when he had a Winabego! When we went back for a 2nd look, we remembered the camper being there the week before and immediately scratched the listing from our list. Unfortunately, these vehicles are issued traditional Passenger License Plates and they are allowed to stay overnight on the streets.

  12. Off topic, but can we please get an updated list of the Forest Hills Stadium concert line up for this summer? I know they're added a lot of acts recently and I'd like to be able to keep track easily. (Thanks!)
