
Friday, August 24, 2018

Housing Works Thrift Shop Coming to Austin Street

Housing Works is coming to Austin Street, opening one of their shops right near Red Pipe Cafe! I think this is fantastic news for our neighborhood. I was complaining just the other day that there was no place for me to easily donate clothes in our neighborhood. Not to mention the respect and caliber of this organization. It is awesome that they have chosen Forest Hills for their next shop, with their other locations being in trendy neighborhoods in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Very exciting!


  1. This is awesome news!

  2. I might stop by there to donate some items, but I don't feel the excitement over this opening that was reflected in the original post. I've mostly seen thrift shops in more run down areas so if FH is so up and coming like many of us would like to think, this opening is not such a wonderful thing.

    1. The Soho location for Housing Works can be found in tourist guides throughout the world, and they are in the trendiest of neighborhoods within the 5-boroughs. Dont let the 'Thrift Shop" name fool you. This is the kind of place you want if you dont mind the further "youthification" of Forest Hills. My only concern is the effect it will have on our only second-hand shop "2nd time around". It could be a good thing if it attracts people to Austin who enjoy this sort of thing.

    2. Thrift stores are great for the environment (they keep stuff out of landfills), save you money, and the proceeds go to charitable causes. Win-win all the way.

  3. Pardon my last post, I looked at their website and I guess they are a "higher end" thrift shop with locations in Park Slope, Chelsea, UES... so I guess it's a sign that FH is on the upswing..

  4. They're a great addition to a neighborhood! They do fabulous windows with vintage arrangements that get auctioned off (I believe they still do this) and everything's for a great cause. Definitely a nice new thing.

  5. Is the space where NY & Company still vacant ? That's quite large and may be a better site for Housing Works ??

  6. I'm pleasantly surprised by this!

  7. Looking forward to Housing Works! A more affordable and environmentally friendly way for consumption.
