
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Edge of the City Endorses Andrew Cuomo For Governor.... But Has Hopes For Cynthia Nixon

I was tempted to do a protest vote for Cynthia. And there are several reasons for this - the biggest being Cuomo's terrible job fixing our subway system. This has really hurt the quality of life for those of us living in this part of Queens who rely on express train service to Manhattan both for our daily commutes and on the weekends.

And yet it seems like there is no urgency coming from him in this matter.

How can this be?

When did it become normal for us to have disrupted subway service from Queens into Manhattan every single weekend? This has been going on for years. Signal modernization virtually every weekend for several years -- and counting? Seriously?

What about thinking out of the box? Coming up with a radical new plan that will solve the NYC subway system problem once and for all? Where is it? What is taking so long?

I was almost going to do a protest vote.... almost.... and then a close friend reminded me that, especially in this age of the freak show in the White House, any person running for office, especially a higher office as important as Governor, needs experience in governing.

And it is for that reason that I am endorsing Governor Cuomo. With all his faults, he is still a Democrat - something vitally important in this time when the Traitorous Republican Party needs to be thrown out of power EVERY SINGLE PLACE where it is in this country.

We simply cannot risk a Republican possibly winning against an inexperienced, rookie politician like Cynthia Nixon. Not during this dangerous time when our freedom and democracy are being threatened by the Republicans, who for whatever bizarre reason, continue to support and protect a person who is obviously a demagogue and a traitor to our nation.

Cynthia Nixon looks to me like a very promising politician with a potentially great future ahead of her. But she should really gain some experience in governing before she jumps to an office as important and as powerful as Governor of NY, having held no elected position before.

How about gaining some experience at the local level in some capacity and working your way up? Let's revisit your candidacy for Governor after that, say in 10 years or so, after you have actually governed something. Deal?



  1. I am voting for Cuomo - I have the same qualms you do about Nixon, and I'm skeptical about her commitment to politics long-term - but I am also voting for alternative candidates for his "team", specifically Williams and Teachout. That way he gets the message that he has to do better at home at the same time he continues to fight the national battles.

  2. I agree with all that you said., And to put it in a very blunt manner, I don't want another "celebrity" in government - especially right now.

  3. Hmmmm She could maybe start out city council or similar?
