
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Another Barber Shop For Austin St.

Given the "Forest Hills Law of 3s", there should be a third opening on Austin St. soon :) This one is really close to the Hills Barbershop, which opened across the street about two years ago and has become a rather successful business judging by how crowded the place usually is.
I like the "TVs at Every Station" thing this one is doing. And not just TV's but 32-inch ones!  :)))


  1. What a waste, I actually hope they fail. Might as well have been a bank, nail salon, or urgent care.

  2. Surprised the Vape shop folded, considering how trendy it is today.

    1. Agreed, and even though it's not my thing and I never went in, I could appreciate it's uniqueness and could see it's appeal; but another barber shop, nothing new and interesting to offer, no thanks!

  3. Oh boy, I'm on Austin now and the recently closed hair salon (the one right across from Hills Barber Shop) is now going to be a pharmacy. They already have the sign up "You First" Pharmacy. I can't even believe it!! This town is totally going downhill. If Forest Hills was lacking anything, it certainly wasn't mom and pop pharmacies, oh yea and not to mention Rite Aid, CVS and Duane Reade. Another total waste of space. If they thought of Us First, they would open in a town that actually could use another drug store.

  4. In addition to my last post, as I walk further up Austin, the Hallmark store has a 'Going Out of Business' sign up(they also have a 21 anniversary celebration sign up too so I don't get that), the Soleil boutique next door is advertising 1,600-3,200 sq ft retail space available and I remember reading that AJ Pizza is on a month by month lease so I bet that whole strip will be gutted for an ugly new apartment building, with a ground floor bank I'm sure. Oh yeah, and this is one store down (Bareburger) from the torn up building that was going to be an urgent care, now sitting in limbo.

    1. Soleil has had the For Rent sign up for literal years, so I really have no idea what's going on with them.

  5. Sorry, but there's just too much not to be noted. In addition, on the side block, where the children's shoe store was, is now a new cell phone repair place, along with poor Maryfield Cleaners. They all must be very short leases or month by month since I definitely read that that whole building was being razed for more apartments.

  6. another barber shop? we need this like we need another bank here.
