
Friday, October 12, 2018

New Apartment Building Planned for 72nd Avenue

Permits have been filed for a new 7-story residential building at 108-15 72nd Ave., between Queens Blvd. and Austin Street in Forest Hills, according to the website New York Yimby. Here is a photo of the location:

The 70-foot tall structure will yield 27,670 square feet, with 19,700 square feet dedicated to residential use. 26 apartments will be created, averaging 760 square feet apiece, indicating rentals. Despite the close proximity to rapid transit, the building will include 13 parking spaces.
More information:  Permits Filed For 108-15 72nd Avenue, Forest Hills, Queens


  1. I knew it was inevitable, but I'm sad about the loss of these historic, Brooklyn-esque buildings.

  2. Wow--just what we need--more transient people coming to our neighborhood. They will be taking up our seats on the E and F and wreaking havoc while they drive on our local roads.

    1. Transients? I doubt many transients own their own cars or can afford to buy overpriced, character-free, pre-fab condo apartments. Is it possible you meant to say "transplants"?

  3. Okay. I get it. This is where you tell me that "locals rule", and that Yuppie insects like me shouldn't be riding the E train, right?

  4. If the building is anything like The Sunrise (the new one next to Boulangerie), the new residents can take turns sharing the sucker of the year award. Just look at the layouts- tiny rooms, no dining rooms and the building is lacking many of the features that you would find in a good luxury building (like The Pinnacle), yet they are still asking 1mil or more for a tiny 2 bedroom. I don't think so...

  5. Is the Irish Cottage being affected by this new building?

    1. No, and neither is the red-brick haunted house shown next to the white brownstones that were already knocked down.
