
Monday, October 29, 2018

Please Consider Donating

This is the organization so hated by that murderous freak on Saturday: HIAS

Please consider making a donation.

And, of course, vote out the Republican haters next Tuesday.

Scapegoating was a tactic of the Nazis in Germany. It is a tired, old, tactic judged a failure by history (just look at the smoldering ruins of Germany after World War 2). Why would the Republican Party in this day and age choose to use it? Is it really too hard for them to come up with even just a few ideas to improve our society and our world?


  1. Perfect post, Drake. Thank you.

  2. "A fish rots from the head."

    Do the right (or in this case, Left) thing, and VOTE!!!!

  3. Donated. Thanks for providing the links.
