
Monday, November 5, 2018

Amazon Said To Choose Queens for Second Headquarters

From The NY Times:

Amazon’s HQ2? Make That Q for Queens
New York City last week announced $180 million in new spending on Long Island City to bolster transit, fix the sewer system and attract new, good-paying jobs. Now it appears that spending was, in part, deliberately timed. Amazon is nearing a deal to name Long Island City, a fast-growing neighborhood on the western edge of Queens, as one of two locations that would together house as many as 50,000 employees in its ever-expanding work force, according to two people briefed on the negotiations.


  1. Something seriously needs to be done over there to address transit. Just drive by the LIC area on the LIE- the amount of glass high rise developments is staggering. How are these people supposed to get around- on the crummy, overcrowded 7 train?

  2. They’re supposed to work where they live. Amazon is (maybe) locating in LIC due to the talented work force and residences already there. They wont need to use the 7 train or drive on the LIE to get to work.

  3. Goodbye Fresh Direct, Hello Amazon. Not particularly excited. Frankly would prefer to see Amazon somewhere with chronic high unemployment to create local jobs for towns which badly need jobs.

  4. There are other trains there for example E, R etc.

    amazon need talent, somewhere with chronic high unemployment will most likely not have the talent pool they need

  5. Why not locate in Jamaica..."the hot new neighborhood" according to the Boro Prez??? Huh?
