
Monday, November 26, 2018

Far-Reaching Effects of Recent Storm

I snapped this photo a week or so ago. Sad to see that this old tree that stood for so long at the corner of Queens Blvd. and Ascan, in front of the church, was one of the casualties of the recent early-season snow storm. She will be missed!


  1. Ah, thanks. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was wrong with this corner as I walked through it on Sunday. Something just seemed 'off', the lighting was wrong.

  2. The tree on the corner of Ascan by the church was in extremely poor health. It's trunck was literally hollow. Look at the remaining stump. Glad it was removed. It could have killed someone had it fallen.

  3. Oh, no! That tree will be missed. I hope they plant a new one. That corner looks all wrong with nothing there.
