
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Exo Cafe's Status

I've been contacted by numerous readers over the past several days regarding Exo Cafe's closing. All I know at this point are rumors that it is being converted into another restaurant, possibly Latin food. If anyone knows anything else, email Thanks!

And thanks to Enrique for sending in this photo via Twitter!


  1. Perfect opportunity to bring back a Cajun place! We are sorely lacking in that area. I have missed Mardi Gras so much- way better restaurant than Exo ever was, imho.

    1. OMG I also LOVED Mardi Gras. Would LOVE them to return. BTW, since we now have a Shack Shack on Austin, how about a Chick-Fil-A?

  2. I enjoye'd Exo's brunch and happy hour. Unsure if it will just be a re-branding or a totally new restaurant, but i'd be very pleased if this remained a cool hangout spot in addition to having good food.

  3. And I just saw that JADE is closed too! NOOOOOOO!!! So sad.

  4. Jade is closed for the winter while the Square construction finishes but they will reopen in a month.

    Exo’s food and menu options were terrible. They announced they were updating the menu during the holidays but then abruptly closed soon thereafter. Good riddance. Another gastro pub option that doesn’t get too rowdy like Station House or Austin Public and isn’t too geriatric like Banter would be welcomed.

  5. @6:27- oh thank you so much for the happy Jade update!

    1. Wolf, unfortunately I did a bit of digging and the most reliable information I've seen is that Jade has decided not to reopen and the location is currently up for sale. The confusion is understandable because they at first had a sign on the door and had told others they were indeed reopening in the Spring. But apparently, from the best that I can tell, those plans have since changed. (If anyone knows anything else, email me at )

    2. I'll hold on to hope as strongly as I can! It is such an amazing space. The idea of not being able to visit with the Koi and enjoy a delicious Sake-tini is just too sad.

  6. Will it be under the same owners/management? I really enjoyed Happy Hour there. However, the food was never great.

  7. Jade is closed and the business is up for sale.

  8. Never understood how they afforded that space. Too big for such a small amount of business that it did.
