
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

No More Torturous Waiting for Burritos

The best Mexican restaurant, actually one of the best restaurants, period, in Forest Hills just entered the digital age, making life a hell of a lot more pleasant the next time you can't shake your craving for what are quite possibly the most delicious nachos in the world.

Now, if they'd only deliver, like every other restaurant in town. But one can't expect life to be too good to us all at once, can we?


  1. I have only eaten at 5 Burros three times, but I have yet to figure out why everyone says it is so great. Is there a particular dish I should try?

  2. I agree with the previous comment. I have yet to understand why people say it is one of the best burrito places. I found their food rather lackluster.

    1. One of the best burrito places? Not sure about that. Their nachos are awesome, and all the rest of the food I've had there is just great. Especially for Forest Hills. It's one of the rare places in the neighborhood where the food is so good it's actually a real treat to eat there. That's why those two hour waits - even on summer weeknights - until like 10 p.m. were such a drag.

  3. Just because it is popular and fun place doesn't make it the best Mexican food ever. It is solid Mexican food but more than that it is a fun place with a good atmosphere and frozen margs. Go there for a good time with friends, not a gourmet meal. I love the place

  4. Every time I walk by that place and there's a crowd waiting outside, I say in a semi-loud voice, "There's a perfectly good diner right across the street where you can sit down and eat right now!" But I know, a place like that is only good enough for breakfast on a weekend morning lol

  5. Has anyone tried the new Mexican spot on metro? Metro Taco where Tazzina used to be?

  6. they're going to the hipster/BK/instagram vibe. Food is pretty good (better than Queens Bully which is going for a similar vibe) and atmosphere is cool. Stands out from other places because other places are just so old school and IMO exciting to see new breed of restaurants with new energy.
