
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

New York Magazine Gives Some Love To Forest Hills

One thing that hasn’t changed about the neighborhood is that it boasts a feature common enough in London or Savannah but still a New York rarity: a genuine square.
Read the entire article here: New York Intelligencer


  1. I wonder what the history of the tower peak is (seen in the article's 1966 picture). Bring it back so we can be all Hogwarts up in here.

    1. That tower peak was always just the top exit for the chimney.

  2. I always lovingly refer to this area of as FoHi as "The Alpine Village."

  3. Far from perfectly restored. The contractors never leveled and evened out the sub-floor the bricks are laid on top of. You have all the dips, divots, and pooling of water you did before just with new bricks. A couple of winters and it will be broken and cracked all over again. FHGC should pursue a partial to offset the costs of redoing this again in the coming years.
