
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Coronavirus Coverage

Trees are already experiencing a nice early Spring bloom in Forest Hills. 
Hello Fellow Forest Hillers - I will be trying to post some of the more important local developments as I hear them. And please feel free to use the comments section here for any questions, concerns, observations, etc. you may have. And, if you have any important local announcements, please email them to

This has been an unsettling time, to say the least. Sharing your feelings and concerns with your fellow New Yorkers helps. We will all get through this together.

It also helps to remember to not become obsessed with watching the news all the time. Stress can negatively impact your health. So, take common-sense precautions, but also don't forget to still enjoy life every day. No one can ever predict the future, so, really, don't worry about it.

Here are some important steps we can all take right now:


  1. Very strange to start spring under such unusual circumstances. This is usually a lovely time of the year with weather getting warmer etc. Thanks for this post as a reminder to stay sane. Let's get through this...

  2. Thank you so much for this! I'm feeling pretty isolated right now, which I know is kind of the whole point,'s scary. It's nice to be reminded that there are a lot of us Forest Hillians going through the same thing together (if not TOGETHER-together).

    If I can make a suggestion? One thing that might be useful is a list of restaurants (and et cetera) that are open for delivery and takeout service at the moment. I want to support as many local businesses as possible, and also I'm hungry and tired of cooking! :)

    1. Hang in there. Regarding restaurants, start with this list:

      I will try to update it soon. The new French place La Rotisserie du Coin is just awesome and is not yet on the list:

  3. Do you feel comfortable with ordering out ? Is the food preparer healthy? Is that lettuce touched with his bare hands to make your salad or sandwich safe to eat. Enter rethink ordering out. It could make
    you sick.

    1. I think most restaurant owners care just as much about their neighbors as we do and are adjusting to the situation. But just to be safe while they do, it makes sense to reheat food before eating it to kill any germs it may have been exposed to after it was cooked.

    2. @anon: Please read this and educate yourself.

  4. La Boulangerie has set the standard for best practices in these times. Only 2 customers allowed at a time, social distancing reminders, credit cards preferred, even bakery paper to open door.
    And some thoughtful notes from the owners

    We all need to reinforce social distancing wherever we are. At Mr. Vino's there were too many customers inside for my comfort. I waited outside and started a queue. It worked very nicely.

    We just need to keep calm, rethink how we do things and adapt as circumstances change.

    We need to be the helpers, as Mister Rogers would say. And if we can't help, stay out of the way of the helpers.

  5. I think it's an issue as long as there are different levels of information and understanding of why social distancing is important. But yeah, have to hope for it.

  6. I ordered from shake shack on the app last week and saw too many people inside. Didn’t notice they were wearing Gloves (McDonald’s did though).

    Btw, Tokyo Market just opened where Tango used to be and they have pantry items. I seriously debated whether to get the 20lb sack of rice, but ended up getting a 5lb bag.

  7. I second a list of open restaurants for delivery and takeout. Today I tried to order from Beijing Dumpling on Queens Blvd; no one picked up. I left my apt to walk over there; sign on door that it was closing as of March 28. I returned home and tried to order with Memories of Shanghai, no one picked up. I'd love to help out local businesses but its hard to keep track of what's still open.
