
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Some Quick Thoughts on the Election


This is what I posted back in 2016:

Election 2016 - It is looking even worse than I expected, an unmitigated disaster and he hasn't even taken office yet! May God Save Us All. And By Us I mean humanity. And I am not joking in the least.

It is genuinely terrifying and so, so sad for our country and the world at large.

I could have sworn I also warned about what happens when fascists take over a country and posted a photo of Berlin or some other German city in ruins, but I can't seem to find it. In any case, unfortunately, my prediction came all too true. Not a prediction, really, more like just going by history. 

Anyway, I have never been more proud of my country as I have been this weekend. Boy, did we collectively need this!