
Friday, March 26, 2021

What is Going On With MacDonald Park?

 As I mentioned in the previous post, I visited MacDonald Park this morning for the first time in like a year. Below is what I found. The amount of litter was revolting. What in fuck is going on here?


  1. There's a bunch of homeless people that sleep on the benches.

    1. Are you really equating human beings with garbage? Shelters are still mass Covid infection sites so where exactly would Your Highness like those people to sleep?

    2. Some of these people are dangerous -- 1 in particular that has been roaming around Forest Hills for a long time -- almost always drunk -- and harasses other park patrons (sometimes with racial slurs). This person refuses to goto one of those hotel setups because it has a curfew... these people need to be relocated; they add nothing to the community and are dangerous. There are options to help them -- but if those are refused, does the rest of the community need to pay a price of safety????

    3. "AnonymousMarch 28, 2021 at 3:36 PM
      Are you really equating human beings with garbage? Shelters are still mass Covid infection sites so where exactly would Your Highness like those people to sleep?"

      No. Just pointing out that there are homeless people there and when they are done eating or drinking whatever food they find or are given, they don't walk over to the garbage can to toss out the refuse. They simply toss it on the floor or on the grass.

    4. Anon 3:36 - you take them into your home if you're so concerned about them. why do hard working people, their children and families have to live in a dirty environment and fear being attacked by mentally ill homeless people.

    5. because all these people who speak about these issues do nothing about them. they like to hear themselves speak and pretend like they're part of the solution.

  2. It's not just MacDonald Park; all of Forest Hills, especially along the Blvd, seems to be a rubbish dump these days.

  3. It is a citywide problem. $85 million was cut from the Parks Dept budget, including 1,700 Parks workers who help clean and maintain our parks. Keep calling 311 to report unacceptable conditions. Friends of MacDonald Park volunteers have only performed 2 major cleanups in September due to the pandemic. They hope to startup again in May. In the meantime, anyone can help by picking up litter on their own if they are up to it . Thanks

  4. Has anyone seen our councilwoman Koslowitz do anything about this? Our leaders have failed us. We take the subway to work every day and deal with mentally ill people and maniacs on top of our daily struggles. All we get is lots of politico talk.

  5. I remember seeing this post the day it went up. It was EXTREMELY windy that day, so that might be a factor. I live close by and it hasn't seemed different than normal, so you might have just walked by on a bad day.

    As for the comments above about homeless people, that isn't really anything new.
