
Friday, July 2, 2021

Pizza Wars Reignite in Forest Hills


The opening of Austin Street Pizza on the corner of 72nd Avenue and Austin Street several months ago has suddenly reinvigorated the pizza competition in Forest Hills. The new Austin Street Pizza is so very good that we thought it merited a little analysis regarding how the local pizza scene--so critical to every New Yorker--will end up being shaken up by the latest entry onto the scene.

First, a few quick comments about the new Austin Street Pizza. It's awesome. Just when you thought pizza couldn't get any better, along it comes. To munch on its delectable crust, to savor its sweet tangy sauce, well, it's quite the culinary experience. 

The experience actually leaves me wondering: "Why Forest Hills?" I mean, why should we be blessed with such awesomeness? What did we do to deserve this? This has happened a couple of times food-wise in the nabe. But not often. Whatever the reason its purveyors decided to pick FoHi, I'll take it. 

Austin Street's New York Style

Austin Street's Margherita Style

In fact, after trying Austin Street Pizza a few times it appears the only thing it doesn't have going for it is that it is, incredibly, a pizza place that doesn't deliver in New York City. And during the last days of a historic pandemic to boot when most sensible people avoided going out for pizzas! Go figure.

What does the arrival of Austin Street Pizza mean for the pizza scene in FoHi? Below is a list of those places I think it will pretty directly compete with, in order of magnitude: 

1) Nick's Pizza
2) Dani's (Kew Gardens)
3) Numero 28
4) Portofino
5) Gloria

There are other great pizza places in the area, but they either don't deliver to most of Forest Hills, or they are only really accessible by a car, which for the majority of people in the neighborhood means they may as well be in Nebraska.

Will all of the current pizza places survive the new shakeup? I'm not so sure. I think we may end up losing one of them and am not sure which. It could be one of the places a bit further out that is not on my list.

In any case, what do you think will be the outcome of Forest Hills' reignited pizza wars? And what do you think about Austin Street Pizza? Which of their styles is your fave? Share you opinions below...


  1. Hate to knock a local business during tough times, but if I had to choose, portofino should go. Incredibly outdated version, average food at best, and a prime corner location. Time for an upgrade for that spot.

  2. The pizza at Portofino shouldn’t really be on that list, to be honest, it’s not very good and just by looking at the place, you can see that selling pizza is not their thing, much like how Guantanamera has an attached pizza section. However, a dinner out at Portofino is a nice experience, the place is always busy, lots of family celebrations held there and with their outdoor option, the place is great, they had live music outside on a recent night I walked by and the owner is always around greeting everyone, he’s very personable.
    I tried one of the meatball sliders at Austin St Pizza during the recent street fair and it was outstanding so I’m looking forward to a slice when I get a chance. I recently got a menu from Gloria’s in the mail, which is unusual for them, so perhaps they’re concerned. I don’t see them going under though, their pizza is very good and they get tons of foot traffic and movie theater patrons. I don’t actually think any of the pizza places will close!

  3. Yeah, I have to agree with you there. I felt they were overpriced but there are folks who still love going there it seems. Not as crowded but there's a steady stream of customers each time I've passed by.

    I haven't tried Dani's in Kew Gardens but agree that Nick's is no. 1 and Numero 28 for no. 2 (for us, that is). Curious what Dani's is like.

  4. Austin Street Pizza really is awesome. Portofino has virtues in other areas, as noted, such as the charisma of the owner and the just generally old-school vibe. Lillian's Pizza used to be amazing when it was run by the original Sicilian owners. Haven't been since new management took over -- is it still good?

    1. It's still good in a global sense: better than most pizza in the area. But it's fallen a long way from when Lilian was running the show, though showing improvements. They had a long way to fall, given how outstanding I thought the slices were under Lilian's ownership.

      We live around the corner but for a while Gloria became our go-to for that style pie. Lilian has definitely been improving again as the new owners are finally hitting their stride. I am optimistic. Plus they deliver and take credit cards now!

    2. Good to know - thanks!

  5. Austin Street Pizza's thick crust slices are amazing--and I normally don't like thick crust pizza! Pesto Margarita and Truffle Mushroom--fabulous!
    Dani's pizza is really boring.
    Add to your list Dee's on Metropolitan near Ascan.

    1. Dee's new steaks are fantastic (just leave off the sauce). Their pizzas aren't bad. Nicks is the best. But I look forward to trying out Austin Street Pizza!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Lillian's, Forest Hills, has excellent pizza!

  7. At $4.50 a plain slice, I'll pass on Austin St Pizza.

  8. Dante's on Metropolitan Ave is very good and they deliver!

  9. Lilian's pizza is still amazing!

  10. If you want good pizza in Forest Hills skip every spot in this article.

    #1 Lillian (especially for grandma)
    #1b Dante's
    #3 Due Fratelli
    #4 Rosalia's (especially for buffalo chicken)

    Gloria is probably the worst pizza on earth. Nick's is overpriced and small portions, and Numero 28 is a California Pizza Kitchen in sheep's clothing.

  11. Saying that Gloria Pizza is probably the worst pizza on Earth is a rather exaggerated statement. Their pizza is fine. It's not the pizza-to-end-all-pizza, but it is certainly not the worst by any means.

  12. 1 - Nicks on Ascan
    2 - Rosalia's - on Queens Blvd.

  13. Just had Austin Street, and was amazed. Pineapple upside-down something or other. This is going to be one of those instances where I go back curious of their other items, but pick the winner I've had previously.

  14. I also think Gloria pizza is foul. Austin St. Pizza is OK, but the crust is too burnt and they don't deliver. Tuscan Hills actually has decent pizza, but the rest of their menu has really gone downhill. They must have new people in the kitchen or something.

  15. Guys, there is a lot of activity and renovations at the former Banter. What is it going to be?

  16. I love the plain and pepperoni slices at Gloria. To each his own.
