
Monday, May 30, 2022

Ramones Covered Up

The Ramones mural under the LIRR tracks was recently covered up in the name of beautification for the summer concert series, I assume.  It was sadly never properly protected from the elements.  The tennis champions mural on the other side of the street was also covered.  Hopefully they can be restored to their former glory some day.
Found this picture I took shortly after it was painted

It's still underneath the new look

Finished product


  1. The Welcome to FH is tacky. PLEASE paint over it with a vintage brown or medium grey paint.

  2. The Ramone painting wasn't bad after it aged. Certainly better than the tacky replacement.
    2 things I didn't like about it: 1. colors too loud - they should have stayed with two or 3 colors at most; 2. It was obviously copied from a filtered photoshop image. Get rid of the Photoshop smell.

  3. Aw, I'm sorry to see this. My cousins went to Forest Hills High with the Ramones, and the mural added a fun, colorful touch to the area. It always made me smile when I passed it.

  4. Hopefully it can be restored and returned someday!
