
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

New Trader Joe's Coming to Forest Hills

 .... and you won't need a car to get there, finally. 

As I always said, the one on Metropolitan Ave. might as well be in Nebraska if you are like most of us carless FoHi residents. So this new store, opening where the former Key Food used to be, on Yellowstone Blvd. in the new building going up between MacDonald Park and Gerard Towers, will be just awesome. 

Finally, central Forest Hills is getting a terrific big chain supermarket option. 

Hmmm, maybe I can retire from this blog now? I've gotten just about everything I was hoping for when I first started the blog over a decade ago. 

Although come to think of it, there are still a few more things I'd like to see open here. A bookshop, for one. A place to get a decent sandwich on the fly like a Pret.  And maybe a salad place (though Natural does make some good salads these days, and TJ's has plenty in that department, too.)

 Anyway, this is really good news for our 'hood. Read more about it here: Trader Joe's Confirms New Forest Hills Store

(By the way, didn't I tell you back when the rumors started about this new Trader Joe's that the company never actually denied the rumor, despite what was reported? They said something like "we have no current plans." Which obviously did not mean they have no future plans :) 


  1. When I saw this news elsewhere, this blog is the first thing I thought of 😂

  2. Stacked has awesome sandwiches

  3. This will be about a 3-minute walk for me, so this is fantastic!

  4. I'm super happy about the TJ's, but still, please don't quit the blog! At least not until we get our bookstore!
