Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November Surprise

So, I came home today to this magnificent creature on my fire escape. I assume it's a hawk of some kind. Does anyone know exactly what kind of bird it is? (And sorry for the graphic nature of the photo. Poor little squirrel.)


  1. It looks to be a Red-Tailed Hawk.

    1. It didn't seem to have a red tail. Someone on Facebook believes it's a Cooper's Hawk.

  2. Looks like an immature Red-tail Hawk.

    1. If that's immature, I don't want to meet the parents. That was one big bird!

  3. Is the it dead? Sorry, I know, stupid question, it?


    1. As Coroner I must aver,
      I thoroughly examined her.
      And she's not only merely dead,
      she's really most sincerely dead.

    2. Ha! Well, thanks for making me laugh, at least. :)

  4. Cooper's hawk. I've had them at my bird feeder.

  5. Just made my stomach churn

  6. Mesmerized by this creature a few weeks ago - saw it flying above Ystone Blvd then it landed atop a light pole for five minutes before flying in the direction of 108th St.

  7. Survival of the fittest. You should send the photo to some nature magazine like NatGeo.

  8. OMG. Did you have to clean it up yourself?

  9. Replies
    1. Heartbreaking. I love squirrels!

  10. I think I know that hawk -- I live on 70th Avenue. Woke up one morning, without my glasses on, sitting on the 'morning seat' and I notice some movement on the fire escape (looks like the picture). So, I stood up and viewed this animal from my window -- we gazed at each other for about 30 seconds, then it took off. What was left was some remnants of a once happy pigeon...

  11. Hawks have become quite common in this area. This is not an uncommon occurrence especially by Forest Park. It is my belief that the Parks Department brought them in to keep Pigeon population under control but this is only a theory. Having been a long time resident of FH there have never been any Hawks in the area until the last three years. Each time we spot one it is devouring a Pigeon but this is the first time I have seen it eat a squirrel. Must be out of Pigeon.

  12. As others have said, this is a red-tailed hawk. They are extremely common in NYC, Long Island, and throughout North America—and have been so for years. There are resident hawks in Forest Park, and it is not uncommon to find them perched (or nesting) on fire escapes and buildings.

    (The smaller Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks eat mainly birds, which is why you will often find them standing watch over your feeders :) Yum.)

  13. Almost positive it's a Red Tailed Hawk. They are fairly common in NYC and environs. Cooper's Hawk has different plumage.

    Also, when are you going to do a back up review of Violet's Bake Shoppe, which was on NYT's Hungry City today? DOES THE BAHN MI STACK UP?

  14. and here Squirrely Squirrelman thought Forest Hills was a safe place to live.
