Friday, March 10, 2017

Radio Shack Signals


  1. Are they closing? Aw! They weren't the most exciting business that could've been on that stretch of Continental, but they were very useful to have around. And isn't that what matters most?

  2. Too bad. Their business model cracked about 20 years ago. What is a radio?

  3. I think they have been out performed by MicroCenter. This isn't one closing I'll get too bummed out over. Let's just hope the space gets used wisely - no ice shops, hair / nail places, banks, urgent medical/dental, etc etc

  4. Are they useful? For an electronics store they are extremely overpriced by quite a bit. Enough that I am willing to take a train ride to get better prices at other stores.

  5. GREAT NEWS! As a consumer I have dealt with this store on a few occasions . They were ridiculously overpriced and on two occasions refused to honor their warranty on expensive items.GOOD REDDENS

  6. Starbucks should move over into that space.

    1. Good idea. I never use that Starbucks bc it's so claustrophobic and there's nowhere to sit down. Sometimes I forget it's even there for months at a time.

    2. That would be great. Tired of that "Starbucks Express" model, give us a big, roomy coffeehouse!
