
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Forest Hills Sizzler to Pay Alleged Attack Victim $25,000

A woman who says she was beaten and called anti-gay slurs at the Sizzler on Metropolitan Ave. has been awarded a $25,000 settlement by the restaurant.

NY woman awarded $25,000 in discrimination suit against Sizzler restaurant

Liza Friedlander
To tell you the truth, I wasn't very surprised by this horrifying story. It's obvious there are some really severe pockets of reactionary, conservative fascist elements in our area and in Queens in general.
I always get the feeling when I go down to Metropolitan Ave. that I am going back in time like 50 years. Well, I guess this just confirms it. Apparently, the people who work at and frequent the local Sizzler for its fine dining have attitudes towards gay people that are about 50 years old as well. So very, very sad...


  1. Seriously? Quit the drama. Forest hills is very gay friendly

    1. Some parts are, some parts, apparently, are not. Or did we just both read the same post? Or did you just drop in and are still getting your bearings?

  2. Most of the people who frequent Sizzler are not from Forest Hills. That's why the parking lot is overflowing all of the time. I'm sure the manager of Sizzler doesn't live here either.

  3. The Daily News says the woman wanted to eat for free from her partner's salad bar plate. She tried to hit the manager with the plate and then claimed harassment.

  4. Some of you, including the webmaster, are guilty of serious generalizations. Yeah, everyone who goes to that Sizzler is a bigot just like every gay person is a hairdresser. Your simplistic rationale for this act is despicable and just raises the voice of intolerance. Good going, Drake!!

    1. There's a HUGE amount of intolerance in Queens today, are you kidding? Just look at the extremist who replaced Anthony Weiner as our local congressman; he wants to repeal the gay marriage law. Just said so the other night. If that's not bigotry I don't know what is. So, yea, sorry, but this part of the city, like I said, has some very disturbing pockets of fascist conservative intolerance, beginning with its elected politicians.

    2. 100% agree! While NYC as a whole is known as a tolerant place - there are certainly pockets of the city that are very old school in thought, not progressive and have similarities to other parts of this country - and not in a good way!

  5. Well, hate to break it to you - but this is one of those "areas of the city." Explain to me why this Turner was elected to office here? He boasts of wanting to repeal gay marriage, which would be an act of the utmost extreme intolerance! Open your eyes.

    Just to admit there is a large number of intolerant people in this area and in the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn, is not a bad thing. There are plenty of very progressive-minded, tolerant people as well. But to bury your head in the sand is the first mistake people make. We have to first identify where the haters are wherever they pop up, and then defend our rights and those of our fellow citizens against them. It is our duty as citizens and just plain humans.

  6. By the way, if you want to see your current congressman Bob Turner pinned down and forced to finally admit his intolerant stance on the issue of gay marriage, here is the link to the NY1 Debate from a couple of nights ago:

    Much of the mainstream press incorrectly reported that all he said during the debate about gay marriage is "that ship has sailed." Right. Go to about 35 minutes into the debate and watch when after trying to squirm out of answering he is pressed directly on his view of gay marriage and finally, finally responds: "I would go for repeal" and want a return to civil union status for gay people who are married. Very nice Congressman. This is what we elected you for ? To strip away civil rights from our fellow citizens of New York? If that's not intolerance, I don't know what is.
