
Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Gourmet Food Shop Coming To Austin

Wow, I'm quite excited about this. The mystery is over regarding what is going into that space where The Body Shop used to be, near the corner of Austin and 71st Continental. If this is anything as cute as their wine shop around the corner, Forest Hills is in for a real treat...


  1. That space is the size of a closet. What will they sell there, 3 apples and vanilla extract? I give it 14 months.

  2. crossing queens blvdJune 15, 2012 at 9:10 AM

    First, most stores have storage rooms and maybe this new space doesn't need as much storage so the retail space will be larger than it was as The Body Shop.

    Second, it's a cheese and gourmet food shop, not Costco.

    Third, some view a glass as half full while others view the same glass as half empty. You appear to see an empty glass that's been shattered on the floor.

    1. FeeFee always does that I've noticed. A chronic doomsayer.

    2. Nope. I am not a chronic doomsayer. I am a chronic truthsayer.

    3. More like Debbie Downer. And you're not that prophetic consider most food businesses close in 1 year - you could say that over and over and be right most of the time, like I could say the newspaper is printed in black and white and be right every day but Sunday. I'd be more impressed if you actually had something thoughtful to add.

    4. Calm down, it's just a blog. I'm entitled to my opinion. Welcome to reality.

    5. crossing queens blvdJune 16, 2012 at 8:40 AM

      Of course you're entitled to your opinion and it's as valid as any other. The "reality" is you sound like a miserable person.

    6. Nope. I am quite happy. My life is pretty good. You sound like you're in denial about the world. And you're also one of those people who cannot accept other people's opinions unless they agree with yours. Get your head out of the sand.

  3. These guys have done a fabulous job with the Mr. Vino storefront renovation and I have no doubt the look and feel of this new store will be fabulous.

    I welcome this type of shop with open arms! While I've always been happy to have Cheeses of the World in the neighborhood, I really feel their cheese selection is lacking. I realize that others will disagree, but if you spend time at say a Murray's, you'd see the difference.

    I'm hoping that Cucina will have a selection of some seasonal cheese offerings as well as some treats not currently carried by Cheeses of the World and/or The Natural.

  4. Wow, what great news! I love what Mr. Vino has brought to this neighborhood - this is very exciting!

  5. To throw in my own 2 cents-Mr. Vino is overpriced. The people working the location do not seem to know much about wine. Last time I was there I overheard the salesgirl pitching the "Ramona" Pinot Grigio as if it were a high quality buy. Really? A Real Housewife of new York's Pinot Grigio is high end. I guarantee the cheese store will be more of the same. Mediochre items over priced and displayed in a good looking location. While it is a step in the right direction to have more specialized shops like this case my loyalties will stay with Cheese of the World for my artisinal cheese purchases. This guy should've paid attention to what happened to Europan vs. Martha's.

  6. Costco actually has very quality cheeses at great prices, the problem is their quantities are kinda big for small households.

    I think FeeFee is a realist. Unless this little food shop offers items that are hard to find elsewhere, AND at reasonable prices, they will not last long given the overly high rent on Austin St.

    I also agree with the above comment, Mr. Vino offers nothing special and the prices are too high. Business here should take a lesson from Rego Center, offer the public quality at discount prices and watch the money pour in.

    1. This is the only neighborhood blog I have been on where people constantly complain about prices. If its not cheap crap you all don't want it. This just puzzles me.

    2. Mr Vino offers something special - a lovely place to shop! Have you looked around at a lot of the "legacy" stores and restaurants on Austin and Metropolitan and Queens Blvd.? I want to slit my wrists when I walk by some of these places, they are so old, run down and depressing.

      Don't underestimate the importance of appearance in this world. While I don't shop for wine because I can barely consume the bottles I get as gifts - yes, I am THAT loved ;) - and can't say I've been in Mr. Vino more than once or twice - that place is damn cute and delightful. It makes me happy to live here in FoHi.

  7. Yes, I agree that Mr. Vino can be a little pricey and that their selection has something to be desired. I think the wine selection in general in the neighborhood has something to be desired and as such, order most of my wine online. Nevertheless, I appreciate having Mr. Vino in the neighborhood and they seem to be holding their own.

    I'll reiterate that I personally am looking forward to their cheese and gourmet food shop and am keeping my fingers crossed that their cheese selection will be 'unique' and perhaps even focus on artisinal cheesemakers (e.g., Cowgirl Creamery, LaClare Farms, et al). Time will tell.

    I'm always up for a good bargain, but I differ in opinion in regards to Austin Street striving to be like Rego Center. My hopes for the neighborhood are to see more Mom & Pop shops as we have been seeing over the last year or so, offering quality offerings, even if they may be pricier than what can be found in other neighborhoods surrounding Forest Hills.

  8. Maybe cheeses of the world will realize they need to step up their game with some competition moving in. I hope both stores do well :)

  9. One thing the new store can to do to be better than COTW - make sandwiches with Boulangerie baguettes. Always baffled me that COTW sells all the fine meats, cheeses and breads to make a sandwich but they won't make it for you. Maybe that adds another level of health inspection?

  10. The reason COTW will not make a sandwich is that once they do, they become regulated by the New York City Department of Health and the New York State Department of Agriculture.

    There is a big difference.

  11. I would not want Austin Street to follow in the footsteps of Rego Center and have chain discount stores one after the other. If you notice the pattern of those stores (i.e. Costco, C21, etc.) and that area, the stores are all similar. They sell discounted merchandise after the retail stores get rid of the extra inventory. While it's good to have those, they are all similar. I prefer the individual stores and offer some variety and personal customer service.

    1. Yes exactly. I definitely do not wish Austin street to become more of a mall than it already is. Mr. Vino gourmet shop is heading in the right direction. Also I agree that the current wine shop is not cheap - however there is a difference between expensive and over prcied. They just sell more higher quality wines. If you price compare an exact wine - the pricing is very similar.

  12. I also would not want Austin St to adopt the mall atmosphere..upscale stores and restaurants are what is needed if we want the neighborhood to stay clean, quiet and safe.

  13. I would rather pay more for small, independently-owned stores like Mr. Vino. It gives a neighborhood character and uniqueness. So people, stop being cheap - support mom-and-pop stores. Your refusal to spend will only bring in more chain stores.
