
Friday, September 14, 2012

Newest Frozen Yogurt Place

This is coming to the space where Europan was. From what I hear, there's one in Astoria I believe. I haven't tried it though. (This is what happens when I get sick - supposedly this sign has been up on the store for a few days. So sorry for the delay! Thankfully, a reader sent this in.) Oh, and by the way, I don't know what a webside is either, in case you were wondering.


  1. According to Yelp, it seems that Vanilla Sky may be an excellent addition to our neighborhood, but at one point do we start having frozen yogurt over-kill?

    Yogo Monster, Oko, Red Mango (coming soon) and now Vanilla Sky. It seems like when it rains it pours.

  2. Turf wars. Web side story

  3. What this neighborhood needs is a butcher or an Italian deli. I wish we could get an Ivarrone's.

  4. How about a legitimate coffee shop?

  5. Some of these yogurt shops will go out of business. Can't sustain all profitably.

  6. Yeah, I noticed this the other day. Didn't get a chance to research, but it doesn't seem original for the neighborhood. I agree with the one of the other posters; Ivarone Bros., or even a German Deli would be a great addition.


  7. Forest Hills had TWO butchers, now it has one and that one is struggling to survive. The one that closed actually sold "Prime" meat. But it could Not survive because the community refused to support it. The other is on Metropolitan by 71st and there is a rumor they soon will be going by the wayside. You have your butchers at Stop and Shop, Naturals, etc.

    Ivarone Bros. could not put up with the complainers around this neighborhood. For example, I was in Yogo Monster and could not believe when I heard a woman ask - If I buy two do I get a discount. The kid behind the counter looked perplexed. And, when he told her no. She walked out.

    Keep dreaming. No sane Italian would come anywhere near Austin Street with its rents. Ben's, thank God, survives some how - but that is in Rego Park.

    If we are truly lucky - we might get a Panera Bread.

  8. I hope that's not true about Metro Meats. Natural has good stuff, but it's not the same as a real butcher. And Stop & Shop meat doesn't even compare.

  9. Not overly excited about this since we have so many frozen yogurt places now. Although it beats an empty store and certainly beats a europan. Hopefull they make it nice and inviting inside where you can sit and relax....since ya know...we dont have a coffee shop....

  10. we have 2 starbucks within a block of each other, not to mention d&d. we do not need more coffee shops.

    1. the two starbucks barely have any seating at all. D&D does not qualify for coffee and certainly not a coffee shop - it is fast food.

    2. if you want to sit all day and drink coffee go to Subway or McD's with the rest of the old folks! Coffee places like Central Perk belong in the 1990s.

    3. Subway and mcdonalds. Wow your choices keep getting better and better! A good coffee shop defines a neighborhood. Every good neighborhood has one.

  11. Notice their banner says "Webside" instead of website.....when U go on their "webside", it says "Under Construction"...Two Strikes!!!
