
Monday, September 17, 2012

News Update

Firstly, a very Happy New Year to all of the Jewish readers of the blog. Now, here's some news:

1) Today is opening day for the new wine bar/restaurant on Ascan, Jack and Nellie's.

2) Also, someone wrote in to tell me that the Quest Fitness property on Queens Blvd. has been seized by the NYS Marshall, leaving members who have already paid their memberships high and dry.

3) Brownies & Cream on Austin St. has reportedly shut its doors for good, with Sunday being its last day.


  1. Congrats to Jack and Nellys on their grand opening. Cant wait.

  2. It's a shame about Brownies & Cream but we knew from opening day they couldn't possibly sell enough macarons and brownies at $2 each to pay a Forest Hills rent. I will miss them.

  3. I think Brownies & Cream would be great as a food truck.

  4. Sad, but not surprising, about Brownies & Cream. I'm excited Jack & Nellies is finally opened. A classy watering hole is something, unlike for-yo, that we are severely lacking.

  5. Too, too bad about Brownies & Cream. #3's idea for a food truck is inspired. Hope the B & C people read this blog.

  6. I stopped by Quest Fitness one day to check it out, and the owner/manager had a very suspicious look on his face, like he didn't trust me or thought I had bad intentions. Now I find out it was seized by the NYS Marshall, and I'm not the least bit surprised.

  7. Stopped by Jack and Nellie's last night for a glass of wine. What a great place! This is exactly what we needed in this neighborhood. Great decor - and it was packed. Didnt try the food yet since I ate already, but the menu looked great. Pricing is fair as well.

    1. Can you tell us some of what was on the menu?

    2. Do they have a full liquor license or just wine & beer?


    3. Looked like just wine and beer. Menu was tapas. Relatively small menu but tasty options like veal
      Meatballs. Will report back once I eat there.

  8. I also stopped in last night. Good crowd great vibe. Didn't try the food but people seemed to like it and everything coming out of the kitchen looked great.

  9. Too bad the NYS Marshalls can't tear down the building where Quest Fitness was located - that is one ugly eyesore!

  10. Quest fitness facility will get sold at auction most likely. Location could use a condo/hotel tower. Any serious investors out there willing to go partner on this? 75th subway highly desirable. Across from Pinnacle highrise

    1. Was seized by federal or state Marshall's?

    2. Can anyone get me access to the property so I can look at which portions were seized ?

      I really think a nice condo hotel would do well there or even a rental building.

  11. Brownies & Cream: It is sad to see this young couple close their doors. Their products were good but they could not compete with Martha's. Europan could not compete with Martha's because Forest Hills likes low priced mediocrity.

    So in one week Forest Hills lost Home Front and Brownies & Cream.

    Soon, the death knell will sound for Sugar Rush, Sammies and Gloria's. But, it will get a Chipolte.

    1. Soon, the death knell will be sounding for you. I am really getting bored with your constantly negative comments. If you have nothing interesting to say, don't bother. Next time, I'm deleting you. Sorry but you simply are not adding anything to this blog.

    2. I apologize and I am sorry Drake for the negativity. My comment was not meant to be negative but a spur in the butt of those who do not support the little guy. I actually liked Brownies & Cream, and I frequent Sugar Rush. My point is that others need to stop whining about why Forest Hills is NOT like Astoria and support these little boutique shops. The only way Austin Street will transform is if the boutique stores survive. They add flavor. Honestly, I do not believe Chipolte will add anything significant. Their food is decent and relatively inexpensive. I just think more small artisan shops are needed.

      It is not negative to note, that Yogo Monster will have a hard time competing with Red Mango. It is a fact. Who will win the war between Red Mango and Vanilla Sky - remains to be seen as I do not know what Vanilla Sky is. The question becomes is can Austin Street support FOUR frozen yogurt, two ice cream venues, a yogo truck, etc.

      This is not a negative comment but an observation.

      Again, I advocate that all should support the little guy.

  12. In other news, Zero Hour is supposedly filming on 70th Road by the Verizon building.

  13. I'm also sad to see those shops close (as well as the organic market off Austin). Although I'd have to admit I did not shop at them frequently. I hope their replacements are good. Too many empty storefronts. It's getting depressing!

  14. And I agree. Forest hills could use more artisan shops. They tend to be better quality and add more character, charm and flavor to the neighborhood. Chipotle . . . Not so much.

  15. Have you guys seen the owner responses for yelp reviews of Sugar Rush?

    This owner sounds like a wacko

  16. I think the owner's responses on Yelp are hilarious. She really should have her own one man show. I asked her about the responses about 3 months ago and she politely stated, Why should reviewers be able to remain anonymous, get to say whatever they want without any input from the owner. If they want to unfairly critique the store than they should be prepared to defend their criticism and be prepared to be critiqued as well. She thought it unfair that people would write untrue statements. She further thought it unfair that a reviewer would comment without giving her the opportunity to correct anything they perceived to be wrong.

    And, good for her that she proudly defends her store, invested her money to provide a shopping experience.

    She has a lot of supporters in the community. She is a good and decent person and your post just demonstrates what is wrong with blogs. "Wacko" - really - have you ever taken the time to speak with her or her husband. I bet not. If you did, you would find them to be most pleasant. They actually had an event for my friend who was dying of cancer. They donated 10% of that day's GROSS proceeds to help. They donate to all the schools and ask nothing in return. "Wacko" - if good deeds are "Wacko" we need more "Wackos" and less bloggers.

  17. People that browse on yelp to go to a place won't know those things about her. That's the problem. Good for them for donating and being active in the community- you don't get that impression from yelp though. That's all I am saying. I take back "wacko" because that's basically what she is doing when she calls people drug addicts and morons. I like the store who doesn't like candy?

  18. Who needs so many yogurt shops? I liked Brownies and Cream. Their macaroons were pretty good, though not as good as Bosie's Tea Parlor.

    I too am sick of chains that support the 1% corporations over the little guy. My theory is that many Forest Hills residents are frugal when it comes to eating out (the elderly are on fixed incomes, the young are raising families), and artisan boutiques can't survive long. Austin St. rents are also ridiculously overpriced. If you look at Astoria, Park Slope, Billyburg, etc, their condo and rent prices are generally higher than Forest Hills, and yet their restaurant rows are filled with cool little mom and pop eateries. Austin St. resembles a downtown area in Chicago or Minneapolis more than a funky part of NYC.
