
Friday, March 21, 2014

New Coming Soons

On Queens Blvd. in the new Aston Condo
On Metropolitan Ave.


  1. I am pet-less, but regardless, PetCo is a wonderful addition to the neighborhood. Pet Land Discount has gone way to long without any competition.

  2. Better a pet store than another urgent care center.

    1. Not sure if this has been discussed here. But CVS recently announced that it intended to stop selling cigarettes. One of the company's intentions is to outfit certain locations with urgent care facilities.

  3. Oh good...another pharmacy. Maybe they'll open a bank next door.

  4. There already is a bank next door to the CVS.

  5. I love how we get fucking awesome (Station House, Banter) or fucking terrible (doc in a box x3, PetCo).

  6. CVS is the best of the three..yay!! what else is going in there?

  7. Why is petco terrible? I think it's a good place for pet owners.

  8. I wish PetCo were coming to QB or Austin Street.

  9. That old service station was disgusting. Gross property. They finally got the space leased to Petco and construction for a new building is underway. I agree, Petco is a good store and fits in well In that location. CVS was predicted in the other space. Drug stores are big business and new highrises mean more drug stores needed as people go local.

  10. The traffic by Trader Joes is one big nightmare. Why does the Community Board keep approving all of these mega stores without any regard to the dangerous traffic conditions on a Metro Av?
    Add to the mix the 3 public schools just a few feet away and it's a disaster in the making. Metro is a one lane 2-way street. Stop the overdevelopment of a Metro Av without doing traffic and pedestrian safety studies!

    1. I think you're confusing the Trader Joe's parking lot with the traffic on the Metropolitan Avenue. I'm pretty sure the hoards of pet owners trying to get into Petco aren't going to be causing car lines on Metropolitan Avenue like there is some gas shortage. And all those kids running amuck after school are going to now get hit! Get a grip.

  11. Is this the same community board that does not want the Queensway because it would negatively impact the quality of life for a few selfish homeowners? Give us a break!!!

  12. There's already a CVS on QB. I don't care about Petco or that ridiculously ugly condo being built. All lame. Let's make Queensway happen already.

    1. Good luck finding the funds for queensway. Great idea but maybe not so practical in these budget strapped times. Let's start taxing everyone up the wazoo.

    2. We need a donor. That's how the High Line got anywhere.

    3. Donors are needed. A feasibility study needs to take place to test the viability for a successful capital campaign.

  13. While I agree that the Petco is a better option to what had been on the site; I will continue to support Wagging Tails on Metropolitan Avenue. As to the Trader Joe's intersection; I dread driving in that area. While I can tolerate the inconvenience & congestion; I have encountered some of the most aggressive drivers in that area of town.

    As to PetCo, the store they are building is part of their "Leashed" chain which are designed for smaller footprint locations (think city) and are intended to not only compete with the small business/ pet stores, but take on the PetLands of the world. I made the mistake of picking up some dog biscuits at PetLand only to discover they were infested with bugs. Under normal circumstances I return products that I am not happy with, but I was not going to risk having that crap in my house for one second longer.

    1. The problem with Wagging Tails is that they don't allow dog owners to be present during a grooming appointment. I highly recommend that dog owners only go to groomers where they are allowed to be present, because so many things can go wrong, which your dog obviously can't tell you about. Don't believe the nonsense excuse that many groomers try to tell owners such as your dog won't behave if he sees your presence, that's BS. No vet would ever tell you that. Any groomer who is afraid to have a owner present during a wash and haircut simply doesn't want a witness, which can spell trouble and harm to your dog, beware!

    2. I have always had short hair dogs; but then again I had a housekeepper's granddaughter chase a puppy with a vacuum. Actually, you would be shocked at the mortality rate of canines in the hands of groomers

  14. There is a newer gulf station with more bays down the block. A Petco fits in with the community better. Plus the site is residential next to it so it is a lot better for the community as well. So no negatives with Petco.

    Queensway vs reactivating the trains and I go for reactivating the trains but that area has been neglected and the property has not been taken care of so no matter which happens it will be taken care of better in the future and the trash and old train infrastructure will be gone and the area will be much nicer. Plans are underway finally to clean it up after many many years of neglect.

    1. Am I the only one that finds it ironic that people want to take a wild overgrown area, cut it all down to create a "Greenway".

      Don't get me wrong, on paper I think this is. Great idea. But in reality we all know the City is incapable of attending the infustructure we have already entrusted them with.

    2. Ironic? I guess you don't like the High Line either then? I think it's a great idea, but there's still lots of planning left anyway.

      Reactivating more trains... means higher fares, more frustration over unreliability, more pollution,... ugh.

    3. Consider that the highline is closed and locked down (literally with metal gates) after a certain hour at night partly in order to protect the property and avoid vandalism and crime. This is along a mile and a half stretch. The queensway would be significantly longer and poses a big challenge in this respect because it's not entirely above ground.

    4. Seems like the train idea will cost less to get up and running and will be supported by future revenues. For the supporters of queensway, how many of you are willing to provide real support with your dollars. A stronger case for how queensway will be built and sustained is needed. Perhaps like someone said before, a strong celebrity who is proud to call the area his/her hometown is needed. Possible? Nominations?

  15. The Queensway is a horrible idea. We need more transit.

  16. A light rail transit system for densely populated Central Queens, please. Who will be biking or jogging from Dec-Feb?

    1. Someone mentioned cross country skiing.

  17. Sign went up for NXT Sports Nutrition where Lulu's Boutique used to be.

  18. Can't beat owning a $million condo right above a Key Food and CVS!

    1. And right above express trains into Manhattan, and across a movie theatre, near some cool new bars and restaurants, and in the best elementary school district in NYC and, oh, never mind.

    2. The Movie theater is not guaranteed to stay since that property was bought last year.

  19. I'm very happy living in my safe and quiet suburban community, surrounded by fine eateries, safe streets,clean parks, uninstructed bike lanes, theaters, the best schools, and only a 40 minute train ride into NYC. The only thing inviting in Forest Hills according to what I googled are the 700 houses in the gardens region and judging by the differential in asking and selling prices , they are in trouble.

    1. Instead of learning about life through Google, you should come here and see for yourself.

      Also, do you have to drive everywhere? Or are you able to walk to all those nice things you mention? Do your streets even have sidewalks, a rarity in the suburbs.

    2. And if your suburban life is so enthralling, why are you spending your time reading a New York City blog?

    3. A troll from the suburbs, lol. Hey, I have an idea, why don't you go troll around your local PTA message board with all the soccer moms in your town. Maybe they'll care what you think.

  20. Sports nutrition store across the street from GNC (is it closing?) When people decide to open a business in Forest Hills, do they do ANY research? In this case, a glance across the street. 7 ice cream / FroYo shops a stone's throw from each other, a Duane Reade & Rite Aid & CVS all within a block. Madness! Oh and buy your pet food at WAGGING TAILS. Everyone says "support local businesses" but it seems that less actually do so.

  21. Just stand on any street corner and observe the foot traffic during each of the 4 seasons. In which direction are people walking? Are they locals rushing to or from work? Are they young, middle, aged, or seniors? Is your storefront visible from down the block or across the street? Are you positioned near high foot traffic stores or restaurants? Near the subway? Is your signage eye-catching (not cheap looking either)? Social media? Just a few pointers that should be on any business marketing checklist.
