
Sunday, March 23, 2014

New Restaurant: Reef

Opening soon across from the Irish Cottage on 72nd Ave. (Love the sign!)
Thanks to @michaelhsamuels for the pic!


  1. Hallelujah! We can use a great seafood restaurant in the neighborhood. Key word: "Great". Fingers crossed.

  2. Eager to try this. Thanks for the update.

  3. Is this where network cafe used to be?

  4. Yes, same location. I hope it's not as dingy as Network Cafe was. I assume new ownership? The old owner used to sit outside Network Cafe smoking like a chimney. Wish he spent more time cleaning up the inside but he really threw all the potential it had away. Shame.

  5. Fingers crossed that this place will be good! I have high hopes.

  6. I so hope that they serve wild caught fish as opposed to farmed seafood. I will never eat the farmed stuff, just disgusting.

  7. I hope they do serve fresh fish and not the frozen crap they serve at Red Lobster.
    If it's like London Lennies, I'm in!

  8. Related to Johnnys Reef Restaurant on City Island?

  9. No not any relation to johnny reef and I know the owner and they said they are looking for the samekind of style that London Lennies.

  10. Looks beautiful inside new owners and completely renovated. Looks way better then the way network cafe was. I have a really good feeling about this place. Can't wait for it to open in the next week or 2.

  11. Finally a seafood place in forest hills. We've needed a place like this for a long time. If the food is as good as the place looks then look out all you seafood lovers. Your all in for a treat!

  12. They better not let us down...or else!

  13. I think Agora Taverna has been doing a nice job being the "fish place" on Austin Street. The Reef location is great. Hope it works out.

  14. The popularity of Agora really surprises me. The first time I went (the week it opened), our meals were fabulous. Couldn't have been more excited. I went several times after that and (1) found a hair in the omelet, (2) had mistakes on orders -- Big mistakes, like an entirely different omelet than what was ordered, (3) received way over-salted food, even after requesting no salt, where possible.

    Clearly, folks love it. They seem to do a pretty good business whenever I walk by.

    I view this as the fact that the neighborhood has come to accept mediocrity.

    1. I've always liked their whole fish with olive oil (Branzino I think?), but found their simple things like Greek kebabs, especially chicken, totally bland. My new favorite local place for kebabs, by the way, is The Grill on Restaurant Row. I had their Lula Kebab this weekend: Grounded lamb and beef marinated with cumin, diced onion, sea salt and pepper. Excellent dish!

  15. Mediocrity abounds in Forest Hills.

    1. ... and you are living proof of that with your listless comment. Mediocrity abounds everywhere. In fact, if you find mediocrity, you are lucky. How come you choose to focus on the mediocre, of which there is still much in FoHi, and not on the excellent, of which most of the new places that have opened in the past year or two are?

    2. I don't think that's a listless comment, but a valid opinion. I don't know of any excellent places that have opened in FOHI these past couple of years, with the exception of Boulangerie. If you're referring to Banter, Flying Pig and Jack and Nellie's, then that's proof that mediocrity abounds.

    3. What is your reason for thinking so? I've posted my reviews, convince us...

    4. While I will agree that there are mediocre restaurants in Forest Hills that actually do quite a stellar business, I also believe there are some excellent choices to choose from, far from mediocre. A few that come to mind include -

      1) Danny Browns. I believe this may be the only restaurant in all of Queens to have received a Michelin Star. I've never been disappointed with a meal there.

      2) Tuscan Hills. Roberto's pizza rivals some of the best I've had throughout the city.

      3) Jack & Nellie's. I strongly disagree with including J&N on a "mediocre" list. It's downright good comfort food, and I love the small plates. I was sorry that the tapas concept didn't fly in Forest Hills, as I would have preferred to see Cyril expand the small plates selection rather than add larger plates. Nevertheless, he gave the people what they wanted, and the kitchen does a solid job.

      4) Banter. This is good, solid Pub Food. Again, let's not confuse non-gourmet cuisine with mediocrity.

      5) Station House. Again, good, solid gastro-Pub Food. Can't say I love the atmosphere. I can say that I greatly dislike the seating. But the food is darn good.

      I can't support The Flying Pig. I ate there once, well after it opened to give them time to work out the kinks. Our appetizers were way sub-par. My burger was OK. The place was so loud I couldn't hear the person I was having dinner with. You can get a better than OK burger at Dirty Pierre's, Banter and Station House, and actually have a nice convo at the same time.

  16. High rents + low volume = Mediocrity

    1. You obviously live here. Why do you still do so?

  17. the term "FoHi" = me vomiting

    1. I've seen people complain about the term "FOHI" on this blog and it's getting old. I don't think people are running around throwing gang signs saying "FOHI foe life." It's just a much easier way to say Forest Hills, especially in a blog. What's easier to type: 4 letters or 11? It's not pretentious, just practical. Seriously people! Ok, no more complaining about people complaining :0)

    2. My gf and I started saying FoHi because we live around the corner from this building

      We say it all the time now, but pretty facetiously. It's better than butchering neighborhood names to create new fake neighborhoods like they're doing in Brooklyn.

  18. Let's all pray that this will be a winner! Please God, hear us.

  19. Its scheduled to open this coming Wednesday! Looking forward to trying it!

  20. They just opened yesterday. Great night life - food was spectacular!!

    1. You know what's even more "spectacular?" When the owners of a new restaurant get in touch with me via email (my address is all over this blog) to let me know when their new place is opening so I can let my readers know and enjoy it myself (I am, after all, a resident of Forest Hills). So far, no word from Reef.

    2. It would be nice to find a website or FB page for Reef ... I like to check things out first before I go...
