
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Bonfire Grill Closes

Weeks after I first heard the rumors that this was coming, I can confirm tonight that the Bonfire Grill restaurant and bar on Austin St. has indeed closed. It's a little sad. After all, Bonfire was one of the first of the wave of new restaurants and bars that have transformed Forest Hills from a neighborhood sorely lacking great, New York City-quality restaurants, into one that has now begun to overflow with them.

In the past couple of years, I rarely went back to Bonfire. I never thought their food was that great to begin with, and then, when Bareburger, Banter, Station House and all the other new places started to open, I had less and less reason to go back to Bonfire.

But when Bonfire Grill opened on Austin Street a few years ago, it was the first hint that the neighborhood was starting to change. For that, it will always hold a special place in this blogger's heart.  

My interest now turns to what will happen to this space. The Uncle Louie G's ices space next to it has been left empty for months. Makes me wonder if the landlord has sold the two spaces to someone who will combine the two and open something interesting there?

Bonfire Grill on Austin was dark tonight, after it closed its doors Sunday


  1. Bonfire had a great brunch and a fantastic burger. Sorry to see it go. We were headed there this weekend, sad we won't get to have it one last time.

  2. I heard its an italian restaurant that will take up the space from Bonfire aswell as the space from Uncle Louie's.

  3. What?? You're kidding! When did this happen?!

    I'm genuinely upset right now.

    If what the above commenter is saying about a possible Italian restaurant is true, then that's great news. I really can't stand the thought of something tacky and stupid going into that space.

  4. Bonfire occupied the space that had been Wine Gallery for many years. It was one of the first wine bars in the area and goes back a long time. That space has been a food/drink place for a long time.

  5. A Dunkin Donuts or maybe even a Subway sandwich shop would be a great boost here.

  6. An Italian restaurant? Because with Portofino, Family Retaurant, Ovosodo, Nicks, AJ, and Tuscan Hills, there's just no decent Italian in the hood

  7. I'm really disappointed over this. It's not even that the food was so amazing, it's just that the atmosphere was so cozy and inviting and I definitely had a handful of really nice nights there.

  8. I'm guessing Banter and Austin Public ate up most of their business? That's too bad. I liked having a quality restaurant closer to the Ascan side of Austin Street. I'm truly sorry to see it go.

  9. I'm very sorry I didn't get a chance to eat there one last time.

    Was this announced in advance? I pass by there all the time and I didn't hear anything about it or see any notices!

  10. I also feel a bit sad. I've been in this neighborhood for a long time now and also remember that wine bar before it. I welcomed Bonfire when it first opened and used to go there for brunches. I just hope it's not a chain place opening in it's place.

  11. I'm so sad to have to see this restaurant go. It was so cozy. Food was amazing .. And most definitely the service was on point. Every time I came in it always seems to be busy. Why did they close so sudden. ?

  12. I can't believe this! I had no idea.That was my place. Cannot tell you how heartbroken I am right now :( And I HATE Station House.

    1. Ugh. Don't even joke about it. Even just the idea of a mobile phone store in that spot is enough to horrify me.

    2. Oops! Sorry! I thought I was replying to the comment right beneath yours!

  13. Austin St. Roulette... Let's see if the ball lands on Drugstore Chain, Mobile Phone Store, Urgent Care or Chain Restaurant. Sping the wheel!

    1. Ha, ha. Very funny.

      ...I feel a bit sick just thinking about this.

  14. ATTENTION BONFIRE OWNERS AND STAFF: I am not sure if you got the memo but all the independent, hip and highly regarded establishments have been moving and opening up on Metropolitan Ave. Please look into establishing a new location but remaining in Forest Hills. We have been long time customers and would love to see you stay in the area. Thank you.

    1. Like Boulougerie! I mean Red Pipe. I mean Banter. I mean Jack and Nellie's. I mean Reef. I mean Bareburger.

      Metropolitan is great, so are many of the new establishments on Austin Street. No need to compete against each other.

  15. Please -- thank goodness another old Forest Hills spot is closing. We need more trendy spots like some recent bars and cocktail joints opening on Austin/Metro. Not a place where old FoHi drunks congregate and complain about all the new (and young) faces around. I can't wait till these oldies get shipped off to Long Island (or South Carolina) where they belong!!

    1. Or you could just move back in with your Mom and Dad, who must be so proud about the way you speak.

    2. You sound like you're twelve years old. Let me guess: your definition of "old" people is anyone over 25?

    3. If places want to survive, take notes from Station House, End of Century Bar, Jack and Nellies.

      Times have changed folks; the new residents have lived in the City. We've lived in Williamsburg/Bushwick/Bed Stuy. We know Astoria. We got priced out of there and now we're in 'FoHi'.

      Darwin has come to Forest Hills; those which cannot adapt, should die -- Mediocrity will not be tolerated anymore...!!!

    4. Completely agree. Bonfire was good a few years ago but had become dated and the experience suffered. I feel bad for the good members on the staff but good workers will always find work and I'm sure they'll do just fine.

      Bonfire became yet another bar where all of the draft beer tasted of dirty taps. The food was still alright towards the end but had gone downhill. I'm excited to see what else will move in on our block now. Hopefully something solid to force Reef to up their game or face a similar fate.

  16. This is so disappointing. Bonfire was the very first restaurant I tried when I first moved here in 2010 and I pretty much fell in love with it right away. I recommended it to so many people over the years!

  17. One of my favorite brunch places! This is terrible!

  18. Heard it will become a dental clinic.

  19. A french bistro would be so nice!

  20. Just curious as to why that building is always encased in scaffolding. That whole corner and area of the street would look so much more inviting if it were removed. If there is a problem with the building itself the owners should address the issue and fix it.

  21. I'm really sad about this. It didn't help that the stupid scaffolding has been there for at least 3-4 years. That end of Austin is too dark when it comes to life or activity. I wish some of the life that is happening at "restaurant row" part of Austin were happening at that this eastern section.

    I loved Bonfire because it was a guarantee cozy place to eat and kill time before having to go home. Whether with friends or by myself. They had good food. Maybe a bit over priced with some things on the menu but I loved their brunch - that French Toast Banana Croissant dish!!!!

    I really hope it doesn't become some cheap franchise or lame corp front store. But it's not up to the business owners. The fate of our neighborhood lies in the hands of greedy landlords.

    I will miss it.

  22. Walked by and saw they were doing work on the inside. Let's hope for something good! I can't imagine they would get rid of the restaurant setup, especially since restaurants seem to do well in Forest Hills.

  23. I'm really annoyed by this sad development. I have to agree with the others who have said that the scaffolding covering the place for the last few months can't have helped things. Such a shame.

    And now we all get to live in fear for the next few weeks, wondering what abomination they'll put in that space next. Wonderful.

  24. FoHi needs more cute, independent restaurants and stores, not less! I don't understand the direction this neighborhood is going in anymore. It's just so confusing and upsetting.

  25. Austin Street has become the Forbidden Zone for most business entrepreneurs because of the unforgivable rents being charged. I'm thinking Very Hard about what could possibly come to Austin that would be worthwhile for both the business owner and the consumer. I keep coming up with something related to food.

  26. I hope it becomes a nice bar/restaurant. That section of Austin street needs something.

  27. And no clothing, jewelry, shoe, or handbag stores either.

  28. It's such a great space. I really hope they don't end up wasting it on some chain store or something equally unnecessary that won't add anything to the neighborhood.

    Bonfire may not have been anything revolutionary, but I for one really liked it. It will be missed.

  29. I'm just glad that Bonelle Bakery on Ascan is staying --- and I would love to see another great restaurant open there.

    1. I'm glad about Bonelle as well! It's the one bright spot in all of this!

  30. That section of Austin Street (near Ascan and the OLQM church) has way too many empty storefronts now. It's turning into an eyesore.

    And all that scaffolding can't be good for the Boulangerie's business either. Why don't they take it down? I haven't seen ANY construction work being performed on that block in recent memory.

    1. Some of those storefronts have been empty for years at this point - the one directly across the street from Bonfire that (I think?) used to be a hair salon? That space has been unoccupied since at least 2009/2010. I remember because I used to live in the apt. building right next door when they closed up shop.

      It's a ridiculous waste of perfectly good real estate.

  31. The problem in the entire area is ultra high rents. Every landlord wants to become an instant millionaire. The other end of Austin will be in the crapper when Barnes & Noble closes. It is only a matter of time as book stores are going the way of the dinosaur. Bonfire was enjoyable but, as someone else said, too much competition in the area. People are going out less & less. Sorry to see it go. Anyone hear anything re the space where Santa Fe was. It has been vacant for god knows how long.

    1. The other end of Austin will do quite well. This neighborhood is very hot right now and will be for a long time to come, like all of Queens - one of the last remaining affordable boroughs.

  32. Barnes and Noble's lease runs through 2017. It is the largest retail establishment (2 floors) on Austin Street.

  33. Leases can be bought out or terminated thru actions such as bankruptcy. Sad to say, bookstores are dying. All I am saying as that B/N at that location will go eventually. Whoever thought the one on Union Turnpike would go. It is inevitable. Rents in the area are too high hence the number of empty stores. Many are vacant for sometime. Someone mentioned the neighborhood as being "hot". This is the very thing that will send rents thru the roof. Even stores that stay are forced to raise prices to pay the higher rents. We lost an Italian restaurant and one of our few remaining movie theaters to medical facilities. The only ones moving in now are those big firms that can pay the rent. The independent stores cannot make it.

  34. Could it be that one of the partners at Bonfire bought everyone out and will be going it alone with a new restaurant. Maybe?

    1. It's a nice thought, but I doubt it.

      Personally, I'm hoping for the Italian restaurant rumors to come true. Either that or a French bistro style place, like someone else mentioned above...

  35. It is possible. Hopefully we will not have another mystery on our hands like the fate of Santa Fe. One day it was open & the next day it was closed. Everything was left inside. It looked like they just closed one night and vanished. The sign is still up there & it will be interesting what if anything finally goes in there. Any former employees out there? If so, can you shed some light as to what happened here?

  36. Bonfire will be reopening as a bar/restaurant. A rumor I have heard might explain the mystery re Santa Fe & why Pizzeria Uno closed and why Restaurant Row may be on the endangered species list

    Someone told me that both closed restaurants would be torn down & turned into condos. Just what we need, right. This of course would spell doom for the restaurants in between the 2. Can anyone shed more light on this?

    1. That remains an unconfirmed rumor. I haven't been able to get any info related to It at this point.

  37. It would not surprise me. After all, what we need are more condos. The restaurants makes this area unique. Take them away plus the probable eventual closing of B/N will leave a gaping hole in the community from which it may never recover .

  38. Hey is that Barnes and Noble still opened?
