
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Girls Does Not Like Forest Hills

Not sure how many readers noticed in this past Sunday's episode of the HBO show Girls, but they finally realized there's more to the city than Brooklyn, mentioning Forest Hils specifically — only then to trash talk it. Thanks Shoshanna!

The horrifying incident occurred when Ray asks Shosh to accompany him to a "department store" in Forest Hills —whaaaaaa? since when do we have department stores here? — where he goes to buy his underwear.

"Wait, why are we going to Forest Hills?' Shoshanna asks, her face squinting in obvious pain at the thought of leaving Brooklyn to venture to that most un-hip of neighborhoods.

"I get my boxers and my t-shirts at a specific department store, and that's where it's located," Ray replies.

"That's literally the saddest thing I ever heard in my life," is her reply. ... "No, I'm putting my foot down, we are not going to Forest Hills."

A little later in the episode, just to dig it in a bit more, Shosh reminds Ray: "Friends do not let other friends buy underwear in Forest Hills."

So, I'm assuming Lena Dunham, the show's creator, had to think up the most un-hip nearby nabe that these two characters could get to from Brooklyn, and what did she think of?

Of course, Ms. Dunham is probably not all that up on the big changes that have been taking place in our 'hood. But to be fair, things are happening so fast here that our neighborhood still does widely have that Old Grannie reputation where it would be decidedly un-hip for a young Brooklynite to come to get some underwear—even if we did have department stores here.


  1. Think the dig was more about going to another borough's department store JUST to buy underwear, not so much a dig at FH. But bring it on! We need to balance out all the good press the neighborhood has been getting with some negative. If it gets too nice, my rent doubles.

  2. Fine with me. We don't need any more hipsters here.

    1. I totally agree. I moved to Forest Hills from Cobble Hill last June and still haven't seen a hipster, a nanny, or a tourist. I am perfectly happy to be in an un-hip neighborhood --- of course, Brooklyn was un-hip when I moved there 15 years ago, so anything can happen.

  3. Yes. Keep the hipsters away. And we have department stores in FH? Wouldn't a department store be like a Macy's?

  4. Our neighborhood has always been known as a very nice, stable one. The hip Brooklyn and even Manhattan neighborhoods were the scourge of NYC back in the 70s. These young hipsters would've shat their pants and run back home to mommy if the city was as it was. Those hoods have been revtalized to what they're now known for. FH didn't need that transformation. We already had movie houses, restaurants, and supermarkets.

    1. FH still needs a revitalization... There are hardly any destination restaurants around here. Either we have low-end (chains) or High End (some on Metro).... How about some high-end food in a lowend environment... FH is still stuck in the 90s. It's an annoying mix of older NYers and their ill behaving kids. This place needs more Europeans and Hipsters -- sorry to say, and I'm not a big fan of hipsters but at least they bring good food, drink and interesting boutique shops!!!

    2. whatsa matta u? take a hike around the nabe - it's revitalizing DAILY!

  5. Well, once "Girls" get cancelled, I doubt Lena Dunham will have any sort of continuing film/TVcareer. Forest Hills, on the other hand, will still be here.

  6. Ew. No, I've never seen an episode of this show, and I wouldn't watch it if you paid me. I'm a 28 year old female, so I'm definitely in their demographic, but absolutely nothing about it appeals to me.

    I did see the episode of SNL Dunham hosted, though. I don't think I've ever seen a human being with less charisma.

  7. Queens bashing is tired, lazy and I guess it's no surprise that a hackneyed show like Girls would resort to it.

  8. If you're going to make fun of a place on national television, it might be a good idea to know even the most basic things about it first. Forest Hills has exactly zero department stores. Just like Lena Dunham has exactly zero originality.

  9. Um, guys, hate to break it to you but the characters in Girls are not heroes. They are very flawed, and often pretty damn shallow. It's a satire. And people like them IRL definitely have scoffed at Queens in my experience, so what's the issue?

  10. Take a walk around Forest Hills when you get a chance. It ain't what it used to a long shot. It's quickly being turned into what the rest of Queens looks like. (Excluding the Gardens area).

  11. You're missing the point. The characters on Girls are not meant to be likable. Shoshanna is supposed to be vapid and sheltered. She's supposed to be a narrow-minded, self-absorbed, and misinformed twenty-something who wouldn't be caught dead outside of Manhattan or gentrified areas of Brooklyn. The show is satire. Lena Dunham isn't bashing Queens; she's poking fun at people who think like Shoshanna, people who have no clue what Forest Hills is really like.

    1. No one is missing the point. It was meant to bash Forest Hills. But if someone bashes one of Lena Durham's interests, I'm sure she'd claim it was mean-spirited bullying. It's hypocritical - just like millions of hipster drones claiming to be "indy" because they live in Brooklyn.

  12. My guess is that the show might be referencing Century 21 but didn't make mention of Rego Park because viewers would not know where it is - which is kind of dumb to begin with. But I agree with the poster who pointed out that the show is satire and the whole FH episode is poking fun at Shoshanna. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the mention of FH actually has the opposite effect and actually draws people to FH simply because it was mentioned - I think the younger more hipster viewership of Girls has that sort of flock mentality.

  13. The show may be satire and poking fun at Forest Hills when they may never have even been here, but the crazy part is the people who watch the show will believe that Forest Hills is not a place to go to. Since, you know, everything on TV is true and the girls on Girls are so cool and relatable. If they're disgusted on Girls to go to FH, then it must be horrible there!

  14. Speaking of bad publicity, tonight's episode of Law & Order:SVU contained a scene where Olivia Benson infiltrated a horrific sex dungeon full of tortured underage girls that was located in "the basement of an abandoned hospital in Forest Hills" - an abandoned hospital that I'm pretty sure doesn't exist in RL. I wasn't especially insulted, but I wondered if some others might be.

    1. Parkway Hospital?

    2. This was totally about Parkway Hospital! Ugh. :) The address is just minutely off from the real address. That place drives me bananas because it's right next to the school. Terrible. That has to go. We took a photo of it b/c we couldnt believe it!

    3. yes. parkway.

  15. be still my heart. someone mentions forest hills and uncool and not trendy... there isn't anything untrue about it. it's generally associated with the elderly.

  16. LOL. There aren't any here to begin with.

  17. It is all good... they are not real new yorkers so who cares! Let them think whateva

  18. Queens gets the old grandma stereotype in new BMW commercial:

  19. To be fair to Ms Dunham, she did grow up in the city, so she probably has some frame of reference. Forest Hills was seen as a grandma neighborhood for a long time -- maybe Dunham's own nana lived here for all we know. It's changing now, lots of young families and couples, but it's not like it's Williamsburg either. It is what it is, and I take it as it is.
