
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Metropolitan Ave. Sizzler Closing

8:00 p.m. update: This has been confirmed. Thanks to Robert for the photos.

A reader told me that the Sizzler on Metropolitan Ave. is supposedly closing. If I recall, it is one of the last remaining Sizzler's in the Northeast, if not the last one.

I have to admit, I've been to the Forest Hills Sizzler once, many a year ago. We went more out of curiosity than anything. And I never went back.

But this particular Sizzler really gained notoriety back in July of 2011 when it was sued by a gay woman who claimed she was attacked by the store's manager and some patrons. How nice. Here's my post from back then: Do The Metropolitan Avenue Time Warp...

Thankfully, Metropolitan Ave. seems to have changed a lot since I wrote that post. But that part of Forest Hills—with its small-town feel that often feels straight out of central casting from the year 1959—still does mark a distinct contrast from the hustle and bustle around Queens Blvd. to the north.


  1. Sizzler was the sh!t back in the day in the late 80s/early 90s. But it went to sh!t after that. Good riddance. Hopefully a good eatery takes its place.

  2. You live in queens, get over it.

    1. Brooklyn was the second least desirable borough less than 15yrs ago. Queens has been rapidly expanding and offers more for less without being surrounded by high crime rate neighborhoods and NYCHA buildings and access to Manhattan via LIRR or Subway. Give it time and you'll see Queens as one of the more desirable boroughs. Certainly before Bronx or Staten Island.

  3. It was in fact the last one in the Northeast... and if not for a single holdout in Florida, it would've been the last one in the United States east of the Rockies (there's a bunch in Puerto Rico for some bizarre reason). Remembering them being all over the place growing up in the late 80's/early 90's, it's the end of an era.

  4. Nooooooo!!!!!! Was going to go there for the past 3 years, but kept falling off my radar... I wanted to try that meatball taco creation from the LA episode of Anthony Bourdain series (no reservations I believe?)...

  5. South Forest Hills has seen a renaissance in the past six years. Large Single and Dual Family homes priced competitively with three excellent schools within walking distance and restaurants lining Metropolitan Avenue it should continue to grow and do well. It appears that Austin Street area is younger crowds and people from surrounding neighborhoods were Metropolitan side caters to older Family oriented crowds.

  6. In case you were curious, Sizzler ponied up 25k to the victim:

  7. Lease was up, too costly to renew. Orellana didn't want to renew at the increased rate.
    Hopefully no chains come in... especially not an Applebees or anything similar. A Fairway would be amazing but I doubt it will come to be.
