
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Live Coverage of Bernie Sanders Rally in Washington Square Park


  1. Hey Drake, did you see this?

    Joey Ramone's brother takes a reporter on a tour of Forest Hills.

  2. Bernie you rock!!!

  3. Keeping the poor, poor. This guy is nuts! Do you want to be taxed at 70% to pay for all of this? Do your homework before you buy into his dirty scheme!

    1. Yeah, nice -- you must be a Drumpf supporter. How bout we cut social security, medicare and medicaid -- kill all unions and let trickle down economics shower us all with baby unicorns. Republicans are such turds. Unfortunately, Americans are so myopic. I lived in Canada -- they actually have a real conservative party - not a bunch of loons from Ayn Rand University...

    2. It's a capitalist society we live in, pal. Too bad you liveD in Canada, maybe you should go back. Oh, and lots of people get free s&#t in this country, especially in NYC. Hasn't really helped them much. The only "turds" in this country are those who can't take advantage of all this country has to offer to get ahead.

    3. It's a crony capitalist society we live in...and technology is displacing workers left and right (I know since I work in Fintech). We'll eventually need a minimum income. Once people's health and minimum dietary requirements are satisfied, self actualization is the next step (Maslow's Hierarchy); I don't believe people want to live at a base level in perpetuity.

      I was born here (Forest Hills/Rego Park), I have money, I'm going nowhere...!

  4. He has great intentions but he has no idea what he's talking about. Giving out free-bees to the poor does not help them, providing them with good jobs and strong communities is what they need. Socialism has never and will never work, history and economics both tell that story. We will end up rioting in the streets like Greece the past year with this guy in the white house

    1. Gasp! He's giving out free bees?! I want some free bees!!

    2. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Iceland, Finland...even the UK has universal healthcare...!

      Apparently we prefer extreme boom and bust cycles. We also enjoy oligarchy. Sorry, I place more trust in the government which, at least, has some sort of accountability to a population, rather than Corporations whose only objective is profit maximization; and don't bring up the fact that people can buy shares -- a very small population has enough means to 'diversify' properly with securities; most folks are trying to keep up with the bills.

      And, it's called Marginal tax rate -- not 70% of total earnings! Most wealthy people have more incentives than maximizing return; many want to 'change the world'; so, if someone will get discouraged from producing because they've capped their earnings potential, there's more than enough talented people to replace them -- they can retire and hangout at the beach...

      In Canada, most people fall within a band of wealth/income. It's quite a pleasant place; different cultures are fairly harmonized rather than combative. The US should take some queues from our Northern neighbor...

    3. Last time I checked, Bernie is not giving out free college degrees. The tuition may be (partially) free, but the students still have to WORK to graduate.

  5. Bees scare me. I don't want them even if they are free...honey be damned.
