
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Food Trucks at MacDonald Park

So here I was thinking I came up with such a great idea - to park all the new food trucks that have been coming to Forest Hills around MacDonald Park and put that space to some better use. And then Sunday I stumble upon a Street Fair right there at the Park. Since when did they start having these around MacDonald Park instead of Austin Street anyway, and where was this even publicized? I didn't hear a word about it.

Anyway, this is exactly how I imagined the food trucks would look parked on those side streets near the Park and then people can eat in the park, putting it to some more varied use aside from only chess games and a meeting place for senior citizens!

Imagine this park, that is infrequently used by most residents because of its location, and its poorly-planned design, suddenly becoming a haven for all the delicious different food trucks that have been scattered elsewhere around the neighborhood? They could be located there all the time so people would know where to find them.

Since so many of the landlords on Austin Street—many of whom don't even live here, according to the 516 area codes I always see—continue to hold out with audacious rents that local businesses just aren't willing to pay, why continue to punish the residents of our neighborhood? There have been some storefronts that have been empty on Austin Street for several years!  Let's open this park to more food vendor options. It will give these landlords some real competition and maybe make them more likely to work with a young entrepreneur who wants to open a business in our neighborhood.

God knows, the lines at the new Empanadas truck that just started doing business in Forest Hills shows there is an enormous under-served demand for inexpensive yet delicious food in our neighborhood! When you couple that with the obscenity of all those empty small storefronts on Austin, especially down near Ascan, it makes one so frustrated about all the missed opportunity for this neighborhood when it comes to exciting new businesses that could be flourishing here.


  1. They had this thing at the park the same Sunday in April last year, April 12th. I think I heard it was to promote some initiative of the NYPD or something like that.

  2. I can't believe I missed this! Was it a one time only thing or will they be doing it again?

  3. How is the park poorly planned? For a park it's size I think its great!

  4. I've lived in Forest Hills for over 30 years. This is the only street fair that has ever been allowed to occupy that stretch of Queens Boulevard. This new "tradition" just started last year. It was related to Community Policing. While a carload of cops, probably on security detail, was parked at the Yellowstone beginning of the fair, cars felt free to blow through red lights and make left turns with impunity. Community policing at its best.

  5. I love MacDonald Park!!!

  6. I think you are a bit unfair to the park. A group of people gather monthly to clean it, feel free to join! It is used by a lot of people - all ages play games and socialize. That said, there is a lot of wasted space and it could use a redesign. Food trucks would be great.

  7. The noise and smells from food trucks would ruin my park! We go there to sit and relax. Eat somewhere else!
