
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Gourmet Italian Market Opens on Queens Blvd. — Cipollina

A bunch of readers have contacted me about this new gourmet market, Cipollina, that's opened at 116-09 Queens Blvd. in Forest Hills, at the corner of 77th Ave.

Wrote one reader, who sent in the photos below, "I’ve only purchased Italian groceries there until today. Had an excellent cappuccino and a crazy good sandwich, incredible! Can’t wait to go back." I plan to check it out myself soon...


  1. It opened like four months ago, but it's not in the Austin Street/Continental Ave paradigm, so guess that's why you never knew..

    1. I learned about this place on this very blog... if memory serves, before it opened. I also haven't been there yet, but that's not the same as not knowing it exists.

  2. Forget the name of it now, but their newest Panini with Italian tuna is delicious!

  3. Sorry Anonymous, we Forest Hills old farts are too tired to stray from our walk between the subway and our apartments to trek to this sooooooo far out of the way market.

  4. I've shopped here 3 or 4 times already and their selection of stuff is just great. A little pricey, but worth it. Good bread, a wide variety of pastas and they have this one sandwich that's sort of like an Italian version of a muffaletta - amazing. Plus the owners are lovely and very friendly.

  5. A welcomed addition to the neighborhood.

  6. hey here's a great idea. How about a food truck opens up right outside selling Italian sandwiches and provisions. It won't hurt local business.

    1. OK, we get it, Mr. Cipollina!!! You've railed against food trucks on a number of threads now, because you think they will hurt your business. But in all honesty, food trucks are local businesses too. And they have just as much right to make a living as you do, as long as they are obeying the law.

    2. I agree with Laurie. It's a free country. If the food trucks are that good and offer a service to residents that they can't get somewhere else in the neighborhood, people will flock to them in droves, as we're seeing with the new Ivan's Empanadas truck. Stores can whine all they want but it all comes down to whether they offer an exceptional product and at a reasonable price - then people will flock to the store! It's not rocket science. And if you want to blame someone for all the food trucks, start with the Austin Street landlords who apparently would rather keep their storefronts sitting empty as eyesores for years rather than compromise on rents these innovative new eateries can afford to do business in our neighborhood.

  7. Laurie and Drake are right. Blame greedy landlords, not the ordinary, non-wealthy FoHi-ians who just want to enjoy an inexpensive empanada!

  8. not about that - how would you wat anything from a truck where there is no inspection or running water. How can they possibly clean anything up to code. Good luck with that.

    1. They're licensed. All working food trucks are required to be licensed. That means they've been inspected. Thoroughly.

  9. Granted, I tried the empanadas and wasn't crazy about them, but it could have been an off day, or--more likely--the variety I chose wasn't a popular one so I ended up with "leftovers." Be that as it may, the guy has a legitimate mobile vendor license, which isn't easy to come by, and he has a right to do business here the same as anyone else. And if these complaining stores want to offer the same service as the food trucks (when I'm hungry on the way home at 11pm, are you open? No? The Halal truck is...), they are welcome to. The food trucks are welcome in the neighborhood as far as I'm concerned. The truck is as much a legal, licensed, registered "premises" as a storefront. And if I see these guys here every single day and night on the streets of Forest Hills, I see them as a legit local business... just as deserving of our support as any storefront.

  10. They get inspected at least once a year..

  11. Cippolina is amazing. I have been there many times. It is owned by a local family. Was there today for their cheese tasting event...wonderful. a very welcome addition to the neighborhood.

  12. I love Cippolina! The only place in the neighborhood I'd even consider going to buy fresh parmigiano!

  13. I am one of the owners of Cipollina Gourmet and I absolutely love the fact that small mom-and-pop shops (including food trucks) are opening up! I've heard wonderful things about Ivan's. Don't know who wrote the comment above, but it wasn't us! More empanadas, we say! As long as it's a positive contribution to the neighborhood, we are all for it :)

    1. I absolutely love your shop! Please keep up the good work!
