
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Edge of the City Endorses Hillary Clinton For President

A no-brainer.

I was raised in segregated Long Island and as a result have tried to overcome my racist impulses since childhood. It's often a losing battle. Yes, growing up watching the horrifically racist imagery on the local news and living in a suburb where everyone else is white will make a racist out of anyone. 

I'm a recovering racist who most people would never think was a racist. I don't outwardly show it. I often don't consciously realize it. But it's there, deeply embedded in me. It will take a lifetime for me to overcome it.

It would be a big help, at the very least, that the leader of my country was better than me in this regard. Hillary is. Donald is not. And setting the tone for how we treat each other in this country is one of the most important things a President can do. I like the tone of tolerance and inclusion and hope, optimism and love that Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine stand for and I am thrilled to be able to say that I wholeheartedly endorse them for President and Vice President of the United States.

There are a zillion other reasons why I endorse them over the Republican trainwreck. Too many to cover even on a blog. And I'd probably bore the hell out of you, so I'll just leave it at that. Please remember to vote in what is perhaps the most important presidential election of our lifetimes. Stop the fascist!


  1. A no brainer, just as you said. Thanks for taking a stand!

  2. I'm with you (& HER!) :)

  3. Choice between the unpalatable and the unthinkable. Very depressing.

  4. Enjoy the next 8 years, Trump-Pence will hopefully make America Great Again

    1. Try 2 1/2. It won't be long before he does something worthy of impeachment.

    2. I despise that motto. What does it even mean? When was America supposedly NOT great? Aside from today?

      Oh right, I forgot. It's just a nicer way of saying "Let's murder all the brown people". Of course.

  5. Heart broken and scared for the future of this country. Progressive Americans are apparently a minority now (at least electorally) but we will continue to fight for OUR progressive values. Learn from the other side, DO NOT GIVE UP!

    1. I know that here in Fohi, we're luckier than a lot of people living in other places who woke up this morning not knowing if they can trust or respect their neighbors ever again. I'm trying to be grateful for that's hard.

  6. the election is over- enough with the FOX talking point hate speech. If one can't be a gracious winner, then there's no grace to be had.

  7. “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”
    – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.

  8. If she was a guy, all would be forgiven, like "Tricky Dick" (such an affectionate nickname for a president who was forced to leave due to Watergate). Corruption is so unbecoming to an unattractive woman, but a guy who's shady looks "cool" like a rap star, hence Trump got elected. Ain't sexism grand!

    1. Sorry to correct you, because I can see you mean well and I agree with your main point, but

      Hillary isn't "unattractive". She's 70. And a serious-minded career woman. Of course she's not running around all glammed up and scantily clad.

  9. She is the most audited bureaucrat in modern American history. All the hearings on Benghazi -- nothing. All the FBI investigations into email -- nothing. Wall Street transcript release -- nothing. Clinton Foundation -- no clear 'conflict of interest' discovered.

    Trump -- fraudulent university, self-serving foundation used to litigate individuals investigating his business dealings, unwilling to release tax returns, accused of sexual assault with multiple women. On top of all this -- he has no business plans and ran on a campaign of xenophobic racism and Islamophobia.

    We will now have a congress committed to repealing all aid to poor people (medicaid, foodstamps) -- rubber stamping the Ryan plan. Taxes will go up for the 'middle class' and poor while wealthy individuals will get a huge tax break -- leading to more societal inequality (btw -- we tried trickle down economics -- nothing trickled; elites are too thirsty. You only expand business when there is demand -- and when the majority doesn't have money, they don't spend on nonessential items). He'll repeal Dodd-Frank, and while financial markets will get a short-term boost, fraud and risk will increase, eventually leading to a large global depression (with governments hamstrung due to their actions in the great recession). Maybe well start to look like Brazil, where most of the population lives in Favelas while rich people lived behind gated communities and helicopter around so their children don't get kidnapped for ransom payments...

    Environmental protection will be eliminated -- spiraling us towards annihilation (with the withdrawal from the Paris Treaty on climate change). This will eventually push us towards 4 degrees Celsius warmer temps, drought/floods and mass migrations...

    Conservative judge appointments will repeal abortion rights and LGBT rights. They will maintain money in politics. Maybe we'll end up moving towards a Theocracy (like Iran...).

    Our standing in world perception has been critically wounded -- land grabs for Russia will increase, causing more international volatility (as well as China sea grabs in the South China Sea). Nuclear proliferation will increase, pushing us closer to WWIII.

    If you are Jewish (this is a Forest Hills website), don't think that the racism in this country won't turn towards you...many Trump supporters believe in 'New World Order' and 'Zionist''ll just be a target later down the road (once they're done with 'Brown' people). And, Clinton's policy would still have been pro-Israel, but also responsible with respect to Palestinians. Trump will ignore the issue, allowing for more turmoil in that region...

    We'll, now the Democratic party is in tatters and essentially destroyed. Next comes a Social Democratic party (ala Bernie Sanders). Remember, when you smash something (rather than using a scalpel) ,you can create something worse (Al Qaeda vs ISIS).

    Republican party will be next, when the supporters start to realize they've been duped...

    Welcome to hell...

  10. If you can't figure out that Fox News is promulgating these lies for their own agenda you deserve President Trump.

  11. Some excellent comments. I hope these worst-case predictions are not true and that President Trump overcomes his limitations and the office forces him to grow as a person. We are all Americans and this country deserves a great leader. Hopefully, we'll get it. If we don't, well, I guess we'll have President Elizabeth Warren in four years along with a Democratic Congress.

    1. And worst case scenario, I'll save you a seat on the train ride to the camps! Maybe we can even be bunkmates!

    2. By the way, I predicted via text to me niece back in August of 2015 that Trump would be our next President. My prediction was purely based on his ability as a public speaker - he is an extremely charismatic public speaker, in the sense that Adolph Hitler was. A repulsive person, but a charismatic speaker. Hillary was the exact opposite, a dull speaker with little charisma but a great person.

      A charismatic figure usually can sway the weak-minded to support him or her. Unfortunately, history has shown it rarely ends well. See Germany after World War 2 - rubble.

    3. Please don't call him that. Call him "Donald" like Ms. Rodham-Clinton has always done. Remind the world that he's the real life equivalent of a cartoon duck who doesn't wear pants.

    4. He's also a great marketer -- just like Goebbels!!!

    5. The words "president Trump" make me cringe. Need to find a rock and not come out for the next four years.

    6. Your first comment was gracious Drake, your second not so much. Time for the snowflakes to deal with reality, this is a republic and you can't always have your way all the time. The histrionics encouraged by the media are not helpful, the BLM-OWS "protests" not genuine and the collusive media outrage an absolute laughingstock. Speak your mind and contribute to make America better, as the farce of the Obama years are undone - executive orders were his favorite shortcut and unlike actual LAWS passed by consensus, will now be canceled in one day. Risk taken, and not rewarded. Being NY, this blog is populated mainly by hard left wingers. Your agenda has been repudiated due to 8 years of overreach, hubris, arrogance and your choice and support of a corrupt and dishonest candidate - nothing more, nothing less. God bless President-elect Trump and the United States of America.

    7. To the anon who left the "snowflake" comment:

      Let me guess, you own a fedora?

      The media isn't inciting anyone to protest. If anything, they helped elect this rotting jack o'lantern of a man by portraying him as silly, normal and harmless.


    8. Dear Republican commenter,

      Please don't waste your blessings on the Donald. Save them for the American people. We're going to need them to survive this national tragedy.

  12. Welcome to hell indeed. This is Halloween and April Fools. Paul Ryan thinks that he can use Trump to advance his own agenda /political career but he's mistaken. The nightmare just began...

  13. Yeah, the Blue Lives Matter / All Lives Matter protests; now that we have 9-11 (24-7) Giuliani back, will we place BLM and OWS as a terrorist network? Well, at least the cops and BLM can get really closely acquainted due to all the stopping and frisking which will occur now (which has shown not to be effective, but to simply increase distance of police and the communities THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO SERVE:

    It's no use in arguing with Republican voters -- they're entirely ignorant of facts or self-serving. Facts are few and far between, and most of their academics are charlatans (that's why their academics come mostly from University Business Departments -- can't win an argument such as 'where is the money going to come from once you cut all these taxes and regulations? (besides the trivial cuts to government programs)', plug-in 'Increased Growth', 'Animal Spirits', and other malarkey.

    Your candidate ran on a platform of Racism and Intolerance. Your candidate ran on fear of the OTHER. Your group believes that this country is and should be a White Christian Nation. Major conservative or moderate publications (such as the Economist) pledged their support of Hillary Clinton -- you probably believe that this is part of the 'establishment bias' (put back on your tin foil helmet as you listen to Alex Jones and Breitbart).

    And, for all those who believe the Obama years were terrible, you live in a racist/xenophobic information bubble -- here are some objective statistics on the state of the economy:

    There is no coming together on this -- the only thing progressives can do is either give up or organize and fight back.

  14. Drake, I'm starting to think the dead squirrel on your fire escape last week might have been a terrible omen of the evil yet to come...

  15. Make America Great Again -- bwhahhahaaahaaaa :


  16. People who copy and paste a link to Vox to back up their arguments while tossing out popular general statements like "running on a platform of hate and intolerance" can not be taken seriously. Sorry.

    1. Wtf are you talking about -- that's Vox, not the pseudo news organization Fox. They actually research their material (with research articles referenced). Yes, they are left leaning, but most independent (and not sponsored by a company or interest group) data is -- either think why most educational institutions are left leaning, outside of their business departments? And, can you refute that Trump ran a hate filled campaign? Didn't think so...

    2. Huh? Are you confusing Vox with Fox?

      Let me help clear this up:

      Vox - normal, respected news organization

      Fox - a sloppy mess, run by evil morons

      Hope that helps.

    3. Vox is a respected news organization? LOL. Yes, a two year old, extreme left wing, internet based "news organization" is world renowned and respected by all around the globe. Get a grip on reality, friend. I don't need to explain the "hate and intolerance" of President-Elect Trump, you do. You are the one casting the broad aspersions, not me. Maybe you can respond in between posting fake hate crimes on your Facebook page. ;)

    4. Liberalism ... all about tolerance ... unless they disagree with you.

  17. Is this a game of 'I'm rubber your glue'? Or, are you just an internet Troll? Fox News gets much of their news from CNN, dummkopf.

    Vox is ultra-left leaning? I don't think so -- they go out of their way to find a balanced and nuanced understanding of the issues. Unfortunately, the world is too complex for the simpleton answers which you receive on Fox, Breitbart, InfoWars, or whatever alt-right propaganda you like to indulge.

  18. Wow, you're expanding your name calling to include "troll" and "dummkopf" while simultaneously managing to say nothing. Thanks for proving my point. Good luck, pal. You're gonna need it. Bye.

  19. you speak for the blog or as the moderator of the blog?
    while i do not support or endorse either candidate i do not appreciate you stating that you speak for me and say we all support hillary. i can appreciate the fact that this is your "blog" or whatever it is this is but if we as a community post here it isn't yours... it is ours despite you maintaining it.

    1. If you don't like it you can always start your own blog. No one is stopping you.

    2. The point is more about someone speaking for an entire group instead of themselves. A public forum is the voice of the public not the moderator maintaining it.

    3. You seem confused about where exactly you are, or perhaps you need to put down your delightful holiday tipple and sober up a bit before your next comment. Happy Holidays!
