
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hale and Hearty Soups Comes to Forest Hills

.... but not how you might think. There's no Hale and Hearty store—at least not yet. Instead, the C-Town on Austin Street, next to Natural, has set up a Hale and Hearty Soups kiosk inside its store.


  1. The organic store, Fresh Value Marketplace in Rego Park on 63rd Drive has had it for about 3 years now..

  2. Not as cool as an actual store would be, but I'll take it!

  3. Wow, what a letdown! I got so excited when reading the title of this post! There's definitely plenty of spots available where H&H could open. I'd love one here or a Pret-A-Manger! That business model would work well around 71st.

    1. second both, Au Bon Pain would be nice too. I know these are chains but I figured these would follow Chipotle

    2. Yes! Au Bon Pain or Pret a Manger would be great!

  4. I like the owner of this C-Town. Hard working and he talks with his customers. He's trying hard to make his store popular and profitable.

    1. I agree, I like the new look of the store, and the employees are personable and friendly. Admittedly I do a lot of my shopping at Natural like virtually everyone else it seems(!), but I do buy all my coffee at C-Town, and pick up other odds and ends while in there.

  5. C-Town has made VAST improvements over the past year, and I find myself shopping that store more and more. The store is infinitely cleaner, displays are nicer, food selections have improved, and the cash register clerks are wonderfully nice.

    It's really a tough line to straddle for C-Town. While I'd love to see them upgrade their cheese selection, that simply not be realistic being that the Natural is right next door.

    So Kudo's need to be given when they go about adding a Hale & Hearty kiosk where none other are available in the immediate neighborhood.

  6. The little food store on Austin just off Continental, can never remember the name, has really nice soups, especially like the Italian wedding soup. I will check out Ctown, they are vastly improved.

    1. I believe you are speaking of Mr. Vino's Cucina- great little shop! I will have to try their soups...

  7. Does anyone feel that the Natural is well, meh? I do go there from time to time but let's face it, most of their produce is NOT organic so don't be fooled by the name Natural. Most of the beef in the butcher area is not grass fed. It is definitely no substitute for a Whole Foods, which I think this area could really use - like in place of the useless Chevy dealer on QB (who comes to FH to go car shopping?? Weird!) Also, while I know they are pretty efficient at the register, that line is always huge and being right in the way of the deli is awkward. Plus, I think the owners are a bit smug and know they have a captive audience and are milking it all the way to the bank.

    1. I like the Natural, but I kind of agree about the captive audience thing.

  8. I agree Natural is kinda "meh" but they have saved me more than a few times when I needed a certain item in a pinch. Not to mention the heavyset butcher guy in the back is ALWAYS grumpy!
    On another note , the little Japanese market is a little gem . Another go-to place of mine for random stuff.
