
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

I absolutely love the holiday season! Sorry, can't help it. For me, it kicks off with Halloween. Anyway, I watched this documentary last year and I think PBS should show it each year on TV. But for some reason they're not. So, I'll show it here on my site. I found it absolutely captivating, enriching, and fascinating. Did I convince you yet? Trust me.  Gather the family around and enjoy! And a very happy (early) Thanksgiving!


  1. Yay! More posts like this one, please! Especially anything to do with Xmas in NY! I love the holidays too. :)

  2. I'll watch it this weekend!

  3. Rite Aid decorated their windows.

  4. Giving thanks for President-elect Trump right now, and every day for the next 8! years (hopefully)

    1. Yes, all hail Overlord Trump! Let's all go home and practice our Nazi salutes so we're really good at them by the time he's inaugurated!

    2. Regardless of whether we voted for him or not, he is now our president and we should support him. We should definitely oppose and call him out on policies that divide us, but should support him fully on policies that he implements to help improve lives of all americans. I think we should atleast start with an open mind and give him the benefit of the doubt instead of a closed one..

    3. I'm sorry, did you miss the part where he's appointing literal Nazis to his cabinet? He is ridiculous. He is a buffoon, an embarrassment. Why should I respect someone who doesn't view me as fully human? I owe him nothing and shame on you for suggesting I do.

    4. You mean the way Republicans spent the last eight years quietly respecting and honoring Barack Obama? Right.

    5. Honestly, questioning our leaders is one of the most Democratic things we can do. The U.S. has never been a country where we're expected to blindly worship our President. Do you know what kinds of countries tend to outlaw public dissent? Fascist ones.

      I'm grateful for my right to dissent and that's what I'll be telling everyone at the dinner table this Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

    6. Exactly -- there is no coming together when he's appointing White Nationalists, Homophobes, Islamophobes, and Militarists to high Government positions. In addition, all his policies point to increasing welfare for the WEALTHY -- and reducing support for middle and lower income families.

      Saying 'come together' normally comes from a person who won't be affected by the policies (White, relatively 'well to do'). That is a gross use of privilege...and lack of empathy...

    7. Technically, even though he has enough electoral votes, he hasn't become President yet. The electoral college doesn't meet until mid-December and they can still elect someone else. It doesn't have to be him or Hillary.

    8. To all the people saying we should take a wait and see approach to Trump, give him a chance, etcetera: you should be angrier than anyone. He's making fools out of you each and every day with his ignorant behavior and hateful choices. Next time, put your faith and trust in someone who won't flush it down the toilet.

    9. Strangely a large part of this country DOES want to blindly worship a leadership figure. It's quite twisted. Luckily there are still people left that want to think for themselves.

    10. If there is a next time...

  5. Electoral College? Most of the electors are partisans...there's no way that they'll choose someone else. And, since this buffoon is now going to be placed as president (something the founding fathers created the electors to protect against), this institution has outlived it's utility and should be abolished (somehow)...

    1. Wasn't the electoral college established to benefit slaveholders? It should've been abolished right after the Civil War.

    2. Citizens United should be abolished too. It makes this very conversation irrelevant because we're not billionaires. Or maybe there's a billionaire amongst us here?

    3. Nope. I can barely afford groceries. Definitely not a billionaire. :)

  6. I saw this post a few days ago but didn't read it. The title said it all - getting ready for the holidays, got it- warm, fuzzy, we love the holiday season! So I just noticed it now had 17 comments! I figured how could that many people have comments to add about this topic. If they did they would be pretty bland like "yay I love the holidays too!" So I start reading them only to find they're almost all politics!! I love it! May the same political squabbling grace everyone's table this holiday season!

    1. Well, to be fair, I really do love the holidays. Yay? :)

  7. It's inevitable this election would be part of the holiday meal conversation. Would be weird if people DON'T talk about it at their dinner table. Honest and civil political discussions is not squabbling, this makes us concerned citizens. Yes enjoy the holiday but the future of this country does not get a break while you're enjoying your turkey or opening your presents. I'm grateful for the wonderful things that President Obama has done for our country in the last 8 years. Unemployment is way down, remember how bad the financial crisis was for everyone?

  8. I love how people complain about the electoral college after their candidate loses. What a bunch of hypocrites!

  9. #YesYourPresident

    All that needs saying really

    1. Maybe if we lived in an actual fascist country instead of one that's just starting to lean that way.



      No one can force me to obey that odious person and no one can force me to respect him.

    2. no, actually. Just like so-called "sanctuary cities", sore losers do not get to make up their own laws or have their own leaders. Grow up already.

    3. "No"? You disagree? You think you CAN force me to respect and obey Cheetolini? You're welcome to try. You will never, ever succeed.

      See, you were right about one thing: it IS simple. Just not in the way you imagine. People are going to die under Donald's regime. I suggest you be careful; history won't look kindly on those who stood on the sidelines and cheered him on.

    4. You're the one who needs to grow up. This is no longer about Republicans Vs. Democrats, it's so much bigger than that. People are afraid for their lives. Why can't you understand that?

    5. #NotMyPresident

      I'll keep on saying it until they make it illegal.

    6. Well you could renounce your citizenship I suppose, that's one way to fix it. Hypocrisy so thick you can build a wall on the border with it ... I love it. I love saying it ... "President Trump".
