
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Natural Gets a Facelift

The only thing about this that has me bummed is that it won't look quite like it did in Spiderman...


  1. Look at all of the graffiti next door where the Democratic Club has their office. Disgusting!

    1. Perhaps the DNC could scrape together a few bucks and have it painted to show the community they actually care about it and not just the potential votes in the area.

  2. The old signage wasn't the problem. As I've said in a different thread, the place is ok, kinda 'meh' and others were in agreement. We could really use a more expansive version of this store - such as Whole Foods. Most produce at Natural isn't organic, the meat dept. is tiny, hardly any grass fed beef, high prices and the checkout line- while it does move along, is just awkward right in front of the deli. I've been slowly expanding what I buy at the farmers market on Sunday and think it's a real asset to our area - always packed when it's here!

    1. I like the Natural, but I buy as much as I can at the farmers market. I'd love it if they expanded to 2 or more days a week, it would really make my life more convenient!

  3. Thanks for the Spiderman clip! I missed that street shot first time around.

  4. Aw. I'll miss the green.

  5. I agree, a Whole Foods would be an amazing addition.

    1. A Fairway would probably be the better option but either WF or FW would need a second floor to be functional in that space.

  6. Whole Foods would need a space 3 times bigger. Still hoping the property owner of the KeyFood on Yellowstone will do something worthwhile for the community.

    1. What about all the independent grocers in the area??? Why aren't people in an uproar about this post like they were about the Dunkin Donuts?
