
Thursday, November 17, 2016

New Chinese Food Cart

This new food cart has popped up on 71st/Continental, in front of the AT&T store. I haven't tried it out myself, but the reader who sent in these pics tells me: "the food is legit, and the prices are only slightly higher than you'd find in Flushing." I can't wait to try it...


  1. I dared to try it and it was truly horrible. I ordered the popcorn chicken. It was already double fried and the lady re-fried it again until it was super dark brown. It was inedible, dry and rough like my shoe. NEXT!

  2. A friend of mine lives in Flushing and has one of these carts on her corner. She calls the vendor the "Smelly Meat Man" because of the non-stop plumes of smelly smoke that belches out from the cart -- pretty much around the clock. It's horrific. She lives three buildings away and you can smell the smoke in her apartment. Not only does it smell bad, but it aggravates her asthma! They have these things every few blocks in Flushing. I truly hope this one doesn't pollute like that, but I'm not too optimistic. Since FoHi isn't a predominantly Chinese neighborhood (yet?), perhaps if it becomes a real problem, the vendor license won't get renewed. Otherwise, it's likely to be a permanent fixture. My friend's SMM has been there for years!

  3. The food is bad. I tried the Tea Egg, and the woman had the audacity to give them to me cold. The buns and smoked meat were all bad. I would vote wholeheartedly for one of those guys from Flushing to station his/her cart here.

    1. Can't tell you how it's supposed to taste, but Tea Eggs are supposed to be cold

  4. Maybe its time to complain to the Community Board? With the influx recently of some nice restaurants and bars, why must we tolerate smelly carts with lousy food? Forest Hills, we need to wake up and voice our concern. Hopefully with bad food, this cart and others will just go away for lack of customers. Let the market take care of the situation.

    1. Well, which is it? I think leaving it up to the choice of consumers is fine, given that I would in no way say Forest Hills has reached anywhere near its capacity for good restaurants yet. We still have yet to get entire swaths of cuisine found overflowing in other areas of the city.

      And besides, why take such a dramatic action based on the comments of a couple of people on a website?

    2. Anon -- sounds like some doofus 'Make my Neighborhood Great Again' feeling empowered these days...

      If the food sucks, noone will go and the cart will disappear soon enough.

    3. Midtown has plenty of restaurants but people flock to food carts anyway. The two are not mutually exclusive, translation: it's perfectly ok to have food cart and restaurant. Great to have more options, do you prefer Applebees in the burbs? What's there to complain about to the community board, that the new Chinese food cart is not to your liking?

  5. I thought to give it a try and get the chicken kebab on a stick, I had to throw it away, did not taste good and it seems to have been double fried. Wanted to give it a chance but i don't think the food is upto par even for a street cart, however, let the customers determine whether they stay or go..

  6. Food carts need to be removed from the main thoroughfare of 71 street. They add to the congestion of the street. They are not held to accountable for the food waste stains that they leave. They cause considerable more street refuse and to be honest, we don't live in a Carnival. Food trucks look like shit on our beautiful streets and should be contained to one area like LIC did.

    1. While you're at it, might as well clean up all the food waste stains and congestion on Austin St. Thank you.
