Saturday, June 4, 2011

Congressman Weiner - Where We Stand

The video contains a good wrap-up of where the controversy over that tweet from our local Congressman and Forest Hills resident Anthony Weiner currently stands. The story is by no means over... lots of mystery remains. It should be interesting to see what other facts about this emerge over the next few weeks. As I previously alluded to, I am a big fan of the Congressman and think he has been a hero, a defender of the liberal ideals that are so necessary to help get this country moving again. So this whole incident has been extremely disappointing and I hope he emerges from this as powerful a voice for the people as he was before:


  1. Its sad that another one of Forest Hills' politicians stains his reputation and our community. Mr. Weiner has not been candid on his "Underweargate" issue and surely he has not been candid on many others issues as well. He's a flim-flam and a joke. He's spent time lobbying for models' rights and not enough time on other more pressing issues. He needs to go before he meets the same fate of Alan Hevesi or, as in your post below, John Edwards.
