Saturday, July 27, 2013

'Ladies Night' Dinner Special at Aged

A reader sent this in to the blog...


  1. Holy desperation!

  2. This joint has class...

  3. This joint has class...

  4. I have never had a problem with Aged, I just wish we had a real Steak House in Forest Hills. For those of you that are big on chain food; I think Capital Grill would be acceptable. But back to Aged. I hate singling out individuals, but they have a bartender on Saturday Nights that has zero personality and a lack of understanding as what a bartender does besides make drinks. Furthermore, I should not have to be raddling my ice cubes to get your attention. This is what kills a service business such as a restaurant.

    Back to Aged, love the short ribs with horseradish potatoes; this is the only place I will eat white potatoes! They have a great lunch deal and the Kirchen stats open till 4:00. If I'm working from home every once in a while; we like to "practice old age" and go in at 3:00, have a couple of cocktails and order lunch right before the kitchen closes for the turn over for dinner and call our late lunch "dinner".

  5. Wow, I wonder if the new places with excellent food (i.e., Banter, Flying Pig) are taking away some of their business. Judging by Yelp reviews, "Aged" belongs to previous era when desperate FoHi foodies took pretty much anything that was offered, even when it was medicore. Looks like they're getting picky and Aged is suffering.
