Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Friday

Kind of a slow news day here in the Hills. But with temps predicted to reach 70 degrees, who really cares??

Anyway, I thought you all might enjoy some pics I snapped from the tippy top of the Parker Towers yesterday.  I hadn't been to Parker Towers in years, so it was fun to visit them and see what Forest Hills looks like from their perspective for a change...


  1. Great aerial photography of Parker Towers and the vicinity! You have a good eye. The central fountain and percentage of green space between the late 1950s building complex demonstrates Philip Birnbaum's commitment to urban planning for a more viable development. That is unlike what many architects & developers would do today.

  2. I didn't even know there was roof access to Parker Towers, except for building employees. When I have asked to go up they deny me and I am a tenant.
