Monday, September 26, 2011

Duane Reade Gets a Facelift

They've finally started to upgrade our Duane Reade on 71st/Continental. If you recall, the chain has been upgrading their stores throughout the city over the past couple of years. 


  1. Exterior or Interior Facelift?

    Duane Reade merged with Walgreens in 2010.

    Duane Reade was always a horrible overpriced drug store with expired and overpriced items.

    We have so many drug stores in the area already including a new CVS coming in by the new project they are building.

    I wouldn't be using this Duane Reede store since Walgreens is closer and a superior store even though they are now owned by the same so I would hope that this Duane Reede is brought up to Walgreens standards.

  2. It's bad enough that the Forest Hills Theatre was transformed into a typical chain in the late 90s, but on top of that, the Forest Hills name was removed from the marquee. Retaining only the historic facade was Disney-Esque, but better than nothing. If movies weren't very profitable, it could have been creatively transformed into a performance space. That would have been a great use, and could have also boosted business in the neighborhood. I wonder if the Forest Hills Chamber of Commerce had anything to say at the time. What a travesty that the interior marble staircase was one of the many historic interior features subject to gutting. Amazing how some people only seek the easy way out. Where is the vision? Where is the creativity?
